#Michigan #Candidate #RJRegan's (Robert "RJ" #Regan) "Rape" comment #OFFENSIVE? YES!* It was meant to be (he was PROJECTING The Left "just shut up and take crime as inevitable" stance in a mimicry fashion)! He was making a point. But, of course, #SNOWFLAKES distort his comments. You have to hear THE ENTIRE #CONTEXT about #Democrats #SoftOnCrime / #CrimeIsInevitable / The Left punishes Crime victims rather than the #Criminals stances "THAT IS NOT HOW WE ROLL" as he said. #CONTEXTmatters
#DemocratsCoddleCriminals #VoteRedToSaveMichigan #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
The Liberal controlled media will never engage in HONEST CONVERSATION about ALL OF WHAT HE SAID, why he said it, and the overall POINTS/CONTEXT!
* Should he have said it? Certainly NOT in the manner he did. However, you have to hear the entire set of comments to understand them. And, as he said that his words aren't polished like a double-talking smooth-talking Democrat like he is taking on, because he is NOT A POLITICIAN. Those eager to Vote for him, probably appreciate PLAIN TALK (rather than Political double-speak of a FASCICRAT or a RINO) and he promises (knowing the Liberal media is looking to attack his Citizen Candidacy) to be better in how he phrases things going forward.
The #FASCICRATS and the weak #RINO apologists siding with them, of course, want you to believe that HE is the one that would be SOFT ON #RAPISTS which is exactly the OPPOSITE of the point of his (IN CONTEXT) exchange was about. He was making THE EXACT OPPOSITE POINT - that HE would be TOUGH ON ALL CRIMINALS while the Left (his opponent included) are the #DefundThePolice and #LetCriminalsWalkFree crowd (despite the sham comments of #Biden during his #StateOfConfusion speech)!
The Left will repeat and distort his comment all across the USA now, trying to make Regan the TODD AKIN of 2022 (and as a smear of all Republicans). https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/robert-regan-tries-explain-rape-comments-saying-my-words-arent-smooth
Many GREAT CANDIDATES (MIAG, MIGov, MISOS, more) will be at our FIRST RESPONDERS event 4/19 (more at: https://www.12cdrc.org/news-1st-responders-event) we hope you'll meet/greet with them for one-on-one discussions!! eventbrite.com/e/honoring-area-first-responders-and-candidates-meetgreet-tickets-262308109617