Do you support #JeffJones for #Taylor #Michigan #Mayor?
You hopefully recognize the name JEFF JONES - he ran for Michigan's 12th Congressional District (#MICD12GOP) seat (against #DebbieDingell)... He has set his sight on Taylor Mayor now... He has my FULL SUPPORT and I hope he will yours too...
[below from forth-coming #Wayne12CDRC #Newsletter v2021-5 (#4thOfJuly) Edition (available for early preview sometime late June at: and you are getting an even earlier sneak-peek here]
Why I’m running for Mayor
Jeff Jones (#Pastor God’s Family Room Taylor)
The who… The why… The what…
Who is Jeff Jones? That so depends on whom you are asking. Jeff Jones the Dad, Papaw, Pastor, #Businessman, Leader, or just Jeff?
Jeff is Dad to 11 children, 17 grandchildren, and even others who kindly see him as a spiritual father.
You will find him cheering at baseball games, football games, soccer games, and well just about everywhere? You will meet him on a bike ride, mountain side, great lake, dirt trail, and playground.
Jeff Jones loves to shop, eat, discover, garden, and feed the birds.
Jeff has run multiple #businesses as an owner, as an #executive, and #teamleader.
He has over 40 years of ministry experience, 30 years of executive #management, and more than 20 years of #entrepreneur enthusiasm.
Jeff is #published and working on several #children’s #books, self helps, and even a fiction!
He is a keynote speaker often. He has spoken publicly and pastorally thousands of times!
He has been nationally recognized in multiple fields of #finance, #leadership, #creativity, and #integrity.
Jeff Jones is truly a renaissance man. He has worked with multiple cities on ideas of #economy, #environment, and #finance. Jeff served on the #Tax Review Board here in Taylor for several years. He has participated with the Taylor Ministerial Association over the years and has organized several key community events through the church he Pastor’s, God’s Family Room 8813 Beech Daly Road, in Taylor.
Jeff has a heartbeat for community. He has a vision for our #community. And most certainly, Jeff Jones has the capability of leading the Taylor community into a safe and strong future.
#Community is a noun, until we make it a verb! It is our #Constitution that unites us as #citizens, our state the provides us with great opportunities, and our City #Charter that is in desperate need of better resolves!
#CityHall ought not have the stigma it cannot be beat or that it even is in a battle with its community!
We have dreams that need inspiration, opportunities that require innovation, and a future to develop with implementation.
Jeff Jones has a clear transparent vision, that breeds more community, stops division, and builds a better tomorrow for all of us, our children, and our children’s children.
Visit him at or on Facebook at
The Why
Taylor has had its share of black eyes! I believe we can change that. I truly believe in us, we, a team, Community!
We need to find ethical resolves to the needs of community.
We need to embrace our community, with all of Taylor’s diversities.
We need to engage our community, with all of Taylor’s opportunity.
We need to move forward as community, with its ideas, its resolves, its repair, and its victories.
I believe every community needs a plumb line. As Americans, we have the Constitution that unites us and does not divide us. We are individual yet united under the liberties that have sustained us. Our state #Constitution and #Laws have protected those rights as individuals and the freedoms we operate under in our #sovereignty. We have #ADA #laws, #HIPPA laws, and #Civil laws that should not confuse or cloud our direction. Then we have a City Charter that gets violated, ignored, and is outdated.
One line in our City Charter would correct millions in litigation and embarrassment. “No city vendor shall donate to a candidate committee”. Then there should be disciplinary action for those that violate the City Charter? This can be done, and I hope will be done.
We need better #transparency of priorities. We certainly had greater priorities of a new million-dollar walkway through an undeveloped wood and field? We need better sidewalks! We need plenty of areas with sidewalks. Our senior community could not safely navigate miles of our city. Our #children need clear #safe and defined access to #schools and #parks. Our #moms with strollers should always have safe access to the all of community. Our #disabled need more safe walkways and thoroughfares. Our community deserves better!
Unaccountable and irresponsible expenditures that our Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and previous Mayor Pro Tem have agreed to foolishly spend along with some of our City Council have to stop! Someone has to lead so.
The current administration voted to spend another million plus dollars on a sign over Telegraph that also was not a priority. It is hard to say no in meetings that occur behind closed doors or after a vote is taken without community discussion? The response has been that it is #TIFA money? Any #government #money is our #money!
That leads us to #taxation. The state charges X. The state also sets the extreme limits of Y. Our current administration continues to charge Y. The difference between X and Y is a greater sum then required to charge. Our current administration boasts a surplus of revenue? Either, they have been charging to much or we as community have been doing without something???
I know our #FirstResponders have been battling for their support? Why does everything have to hold out until a #lawsuit threatens? We have city #employees that have sued or our going to sue over violations of wrongful discharge. There is a history of lawsuits that we pay from prior mayors, #council, and administration. These are things that just ought not to be. Most could have been avoided by our City Charter or the opening of a Charter Commission to correct these weaknesses.
Let’s #resolve the rat infestation. Let’s equip and support our First Responders! Let’s build a respected community. Let’s build a family-friendly developed community. Let’s equip our children’s future! Let’s lower our taxes. Fund our schools. And provide the best of a thriving economy.
There is a longer list of whys, but it all boils down to an ethical resolve of the shortcomings through a more clearly defined and accountability of our city officials and administration.
Both our Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem ran their original campaigns on the benefits and needs of a new city charter. This would require a Charter Commission. Their business would have been to organize.
Structure, and outline the needs with a City Council approval. The City Council at the time was fearful of losing nonsensical powers. So, they opposed what they themselves ran to fix. When I questioned those at the time, I was told it came down to those that were going to be elected as a new Charter Commission were not in the preplanned succession policies of the unsaid???
Let’s stop the fear that city employees have from the administration. Let’s stop the misappropriation of our tax dollars. Let’s stop the divide of community. Let’s stop the lack of representation for the all of community. Let’s build upon the freedoms our forefathers died to defend. Let’s hold politicians accountable to their oath of office. Let’s grow a healthy community and more safe neighborhoods. Let’s attract a bigger economy. Let’s grow a better environment. And, let’s make the City of Taylor the flagship of “Downriver’s” future!
Taylor residents deserve better!
The What?
We live in a day of possibilities. We live in a day of greater #technology. We live in a day of concern. We live with yet with a greater vision of what can be.
There are businesses to be created. Businesses to get involved in community. Businesses to be developed by our next generation.
It is in this arena of business that we can grow and educate community. We can help break the chains of poverty. We can break the grief of social injustice. We can grow our community into a healthy resourceful benefit.
There are many opportunities in indoor #gardening for healthier #food sources that are environmentally friendly and productive. This will also grow research and education. There are new innovative technologies available for #green #renewable #energy, right here in Taylor and surrounding communities.
Taylor can be the leader of new developments in automotive technology through carbon black and hydrostatic technology. We can lead community in new and innovative ways to attract the world to our neighborhood. The “Sportplex” is underdeveloped. We have Brownfields that can be developed. We have parks that require restoration. We have vacancies that can be managed better. We have a great future because of our location. When I was developing a national business, heads of concession management at a major retailer told me, “Jeff the three greatest assets to any business are location, location, and location.” Taylor has the location. Our location has locations internally. And even our internal locations have location within them to bring a greater revenue, more opportunity, and a better managed development!
We have year- round “Extreme Sports” capability. We have retail corridors to better develop. We have industrial and research space to develop. We a great community of health provisions and providers to keep a keen eye on tomorrow. We have new technology that can create a better communication process between the hands of the city departments and our #citizenship. That the concerns of our citizenship should have the ease of expressing and resolving those concerns.
We have laws that conflict with our city’s development, our community’s accessibility, and the transparency needed to a trusting relationship with our council and administration.
We can be the town of community safety, environmental cleanliness, friendly community development, and strategize for great future. I am open your thoughts and ideas and concerns. Let’s resolve together.
Let’s unite to defend the future of our children, the commonness of us, and the vision that lights the way. We are #OneCommunity United! We are the hope needed for the now of community.
We are the power of love that overcomes the love of power. Join our team to help get out vote. If we all do our part, there are no bragging rights to the millions of dollars that steal your voice or your vote and buy another politician into shame. Let’s restore the term, “PUBLIC SERVANT”, together!
Jeff Jones has a clear transparent vision, that breeds more community, stops division, and builds a better tomorrow for all of us, our children, and our children’s children.
Visit him at or on Facebook