For what it is worth... My position on TAXES/CUTS...
IMO, you gain the broadest support, by supporting an ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS APPROACH (as the #Michigan #Governor (#MIGov) is NOT A DICTATOR and will have to work with a hopefully more #Conservatives controlled #MIHouse and #MISenate post 2022 #Elections...
Lowering the Income Tax (even if just 1/2%, FOR STARTERS), lowering the Sales Tax (even if just 1/2%, FOR STARTERS), as well as reducing Property Taxes (cuz they have blown out of proportion again since Proposal A first cut them, cut all SEV assessments by 10%)!
A balanced approach. And as JFK, Reagan, GWBush, and Trump all proved, under the Laffer Curve, lowering Taxes can often actually bring in more Revenue within a few years not less, and can then SLASH THEM FURTHER/AGAIN in another year or two, and over and over again over the next 10 years while CUTTING STATE #SPENDING.
We can, by first eliminating redundancy of Programs/Spending, then further cut State agencies that belong at the County level to deal with - smaller, local, governance.
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor (
MICD12GOP Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club ( webmaster
Wyandotte, MI 48192-4115