Just like under Obama, Biden brings back a SPY ON AND REPORT TO US your neighbors process. STASI and GESTAPO come to mind and Political opponent Prosecution??? Just like the Hitlerjungen where "encouraged" to Report their Parents who did not tout the #NSDAP line for "monitoring" it is clear, to me anyway, and others with whom I'd discussed this topic, the #DNC wants to adopt the same here. And we've all seen the weaponization of the #FBI and #DOJ with #RogerStone and others, and we can even refer back to the whole RUSSIAN COLLUSION #FalseNarratives, not one shred of evidence and yet the Left and their #ENEMEdia (Liberal biased) allies ran with still til today while ignoring the openly admitted on Video Biden QuidProQuo with Ukraine and the whole Trumped up IMPEACHMENT FARCES and now the Trumped up #INSURRECTION rhetoric when Videos show Capital Hill Police opening the gates and the doors to usher people who at MOST are only guilty of Trespassing (but those videos are Defense of NOT GUILTY as they were "ushered" (virtually welcomed, invited, in) thogh we have to honestly admit and should support those that went further (too far) and engaged in Criminal mischief and/or petty theft (the guy that tried to walk off with Speaker of the House lecturn as one example)! [update: here's the article:
https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2011/10/01/obama-youth-reports-n187227 {full article republished bottom of this post (c) 2011 (for active related sub/cross-links see original article)}
I'm no longer with RedState, post new pieces on/at #B4IN: http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles ]
I'm on my phone using Google speech to text dictation so I don't have the opportunity to look it up but when I do get back home on my laptop I'll come back and either edit this or respond as a comment to an article I wrote back during the Obama administration with the same #HitlerYouth (#Hitlerjugend) report your parents, friends, neighbors, etc article back then this is just another #Biden copying #Obama policy.... [response to GAB/@OutlawJW post: https://gab.com/OutlawJW/posts/106419118861592070: OutlawJW @OutlawJW 8h·
#Democrats (forget who exactly proclaimed such, but a couple of prominent Dem's state: We're not #Communists (and remember during the Campaign #Biden still trying to play the "I'll govern as a moderate" line we all knew was Bull said: Look at me, do I look like a Socialist?). [more like: #FASCICRATS (see: tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS) as their ACTIONS (their Legislation and Biden's first #ExecutiveOrders show) speak far louder than ther rhetoric) and calling them #FASCICRATS is NOT HYPERBOLE as you'll see in that Article if you review it I, and with some help from Dinesh D'Souza, back up the term with FACTUAL INFORMATION that demonstrates that they are]!
Also Democrats: #BIGBROTHER: Biden Administration Wants #Americans To Report '#Radicalized' Friends And Family To #Government --- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/big-brother-biden-administration-wants-americans-report-radicalized-friends-family-government/]
https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2011/10/01/obama-youth-reports-n187227 {full article republished (c) 2011}
So Obama has another Obama Youth (report your Parents, Friends, Neighbors) web-site...
By JLenardDetroit | Oct 01, 2011 11:54 PM ET
Seen the latest attempts of the Obama-bin-Biden & al-Democrats running a web-site for folks to report (supposed) “attacks” on them?!?! I don’t recall what it is called and it is NOT worth the two seconds it would take for me to look it up; something “Watch;” as we’ve been down this road before (story below). This is yet another FRONT for Obama-bin-Biden & al-Democrats to have their cronies spread distortions, rumors, and outright lies, about those that oppose them under the ‘guise of people reporting “inaccuracies” about Obama-bin-Biden & al-Democrats two-faced, false/empty promises, campaigning, and to shift focus to their (once again, and ALWAYS) playing the Victim.
Need I remind from 2009 the Flag@whithouse.gov controversy and boondoggle…. This will be more of the same….
[originally at RedState: http://www.redstate.com/jlenarddetroit/2009/08/18/flagatwhitehousegov/] Will the Cover-up be again even worse than the original violations? [Update: The highly touted FIX over some concerns with the Flag@whitehouse.gov not having “confirmation” – the reCAPTCHA ™ Security – DOES NOT WORK! — more on that in the article] [h/t to Mike for BREAKING: “Gibbs admits ‘the List’” and Moe for: “White House: Axelrod spam? All because of outside agitators“] The Leftist fools think the story is over, but it is only beginning. The removal of the Flag@whithouse.gov email address on the OFFICIAL whitehouse.gov Government website Server has bound them to Laws they are used to ignoring and got called on. We cannot allow this story to end here with their tacit (implied/silent) admission of a “mistake” but, of course, no admission of wrong-doing. Who knew What? and When did they Know it?!?!? The seriousness of the allegations demand an Independent Investigation and explanation? Remember that “STANDARD” as set by Democrats!?!? So, when will the Emails, Address Lists, etc, be turned over to the FBI for Investigation as to the questions that are outstanding and will be pointed out in this Diary. First, the background: I’m an IT guy and it was my career/profession for 25 years!!! There are many other “IT” folks here at RedState and we know full well this stinks to high heaven from an IT basic practices standpoint alone as well as all those pesky little Laws. Having heard all the reports and read many of the discussions on the topic, I decided to report myself to (Flag@wh), appears I was one of the last to get it through as the address is now no longer valid. I reported one of my email addresses by using/sending through another one of my email addresses 😉 lol…. (CC’ing a few folks with it) knowing that the Law required them to keep it on file and wanting to see if they were still STUPID enough to still be adding people’s email addresses sent in to receive their unsolicited/unwanted SPAM (a, thanks for sending to flag@… blah, blah, blah, of course, would be an acceptable/reasonable COURTESY but anything beyond that) and (if no other reason) to have in their permanent files (if they are NOT just ignoring that law) my objections to the HC BS I sent my entire RS Diary (Democrat Health Care Town-halls propaganda – a place to report the Democrats’ Talking Points (read: Lies) and refute them with specifics) as in-line text. They, it appears, stopped the practice of mining the email addresses of enemies (or, at least, stopped sending things out to those added to whatever list) at that point as I hadn’t received anything back as acknowledgement to the one email for writing into flag@wh or the other email address I was “reporting.” Nor had I received any response to the “supposed” misinformation there-in. The trouble, of course, is we are still not getting the follow-up needed to pressure the questioning of whether they are obeying the law and maintaining the emails on file and getting to the real (obvious) truth that regardless of how the emails were sent/forwarded to flag@wh they violated so many other laws by mining the email addresses from those sent in and compiled to (whatever they want to call) a list we all know (through others experiencing it first hand unsolicited returns) they compiled. This story is NOT complete and pressure must be kept up to get the answers to those (some follow) questions!!!! A couple (at least) real questions remain… 1. REGARDLESS, of the BS excuses as to how the WH wishes to SPIN how the emails landed up at/on the Flag@wh email server…. HOW did (and who specifically did it – Campaign workers or Federal Govt employees or automated data-mining reader program) the email addresses get mined?!?!?! 2. TO WHAT LIST were those email addresses mined added to?!?!? Specifically!!! What is the complete list, where/who maintains it, who has access to send propaganda out via it?!?!?! 3. What Agency will be leading the Investigation?!?! PROVE that the WH is obeying the Law that all correspondence sent to the WH, including via email (ON THIS OFFICIAL WH GOVT. SERVER) is being maintained!!!!! Provide access to all the emails for review!!!!! Let those who have been SPAMMED now be able to search/review (on their own or via FBI INVESTIGATION) in what manner their email address was “SHARED” with the WH?!?!?! Keep sending your “concerns” to FOX (the only Network challenging the ObamaBinBiden admin on their violations of Federal Law in these regards) to keep asking the unresolved questions. They cannot just be let off the hook now because they stopped SPAMMING, for now, and shutdown the site. LAWS HAVE BEEN BROKEN IN ONE SHAPE OR ANOTHER AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW — WHAT DID THEY KNOW AND WHEN DID THEY KNOW IT??? What shenanigans will be going on with the whitehouse.gov/realitycheck page?? I have gone to the propaganda page and clicked the “contact” link to pass my thoughts along, like I did via email to flag@whitehouse.gov — interesting interaction thus far… First, I put in my information and I clicked the “I want a response” (as well as the sign-up for emails) check-box and await response(s) which I’ll come back and add concerns regarding via a comment response into the Diary as we go along (so keep checking back and/or report your own interactions here). What is really interesting, however, is that when I submitted the information the “verification box” (reCAPTCHA) DIDN’T WORK!! That’s right, that “extra step” they insist they are taking didn’t work. I accidentally (very fortuitously) got an extra letter in one of the words that I was required to put in YET it didn’t error. I was taken directly to the “Thank You” exit page!!! I went back and did other comments to test it and it doesn’t matter what you put in!!! (last tested 8/18 14:35EST Thu. Aug. 20 00:15EST) So there care and/or supposed concern is BOGUS!!! PS: Remember this was/is all about the Health-care: Democrat Health Care Town-hall propaganda – a place to report the Dem’s Talking Points (read: Lies) and refute them with specifics, More HC Town-hall Hi-jinks, HC Town-hall: Like Hollywood, Democrats used new Actors to replay the same Script., and remind the Republicans as you contact them to voice your objection to Crap-and-Tax, another Porkulus, Health Care Takeover Act II, etc: Republicans must be the Party of NO [to Bigger Govt.] not the Party of SLOW[er Liberal Incremental-ism] PPS: UPDATE SEPT. 2009: From the WhiteHouse Reality Check: Dear Friend, Our latest Reality Check video features Vice President Joe Biden addressing the biggest whopper of all: that our health insurance system works just fine and Americans don’t care about reform. Nothing could be further from the truth. So we’re trying something new. You can help the Vice President debunk this myth by uploading your own video on why reform matters to you. This is an opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds and situations to make the case for reform in your own words. Watch the Vice President’s video and then respond with your own: Need some help? We also have a new online quiz to help set the record straight about health insurance reform. Find out what’s in reform for somebody like you by answering a few questions. What does reform mean if you already have insurance? What if you don’t? What does it mean if you’re young? If you’re a senior? If you have children? Take the quiz and then share it — simple tools like this are a great way to cut through the noise and get the facts about reform: www.WhiteHouse.gov/realitycheck/quiz Thank you, Nancy-Ann DeParle Director, White House Office of Health Reform P.S. No matter your age, where you work, whether you have insurance or not, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll get out of health insurance reform. But don’t just take my word for it — take the quiz: www.WhiteHouse.gov/realitycheck/quiz [EDITORS NOTE: FOLKS, we’ve got to keep our eyes on their latest BS and tactics (see also: More HC Town-hall Hi-jinks and HC Town-hall: Like Hollywood, Democrats used new Actors to replay the same Script.)! ]
This is going to be nothing more than the same PROPAGANDA laundering designed to give the Lefty-loon MSM reporters a chance to “report” the “allegations” completely unfiltered and un-investigated/verified as if it were Fact. After all, they would be “quoting” someone… any allegation and/or conspiracy theory will fly… There is no such thing as Investigative Journalism anymore, it is all hacks just “reporting” blatant falsehoods. The Press, through quoting folks, shield themselves of any and all culpability and liability (for the SLANDER) in playing the game the way they do now. They also lose all credibility to anyone that pays attention and understands this game. Explain to a Liberal/Progressive how these Lies passed off a Truths works now that you understand it!
As always, Regards from JLenardDetroit from “NoMoTown (The MOTORless CITY)”
“Remember, Liberals – looking to do for America, what they’ve done to Detroit. – Destroy it!”
“I think, therefore I am Conservative”
“Conservative by choice, Republican by necessity”
“The more things ‘hope and change’ the more they stay the same”
closing quotes attributable to (me) JLenardDetroit
related: (RWU) Politically BRAIN-DEAD (RWU) More MSM Lies, Distortions, and Spin (RWU) Political Extortion and Psychological Projection, as usual! (RWU) STOP TALKING, START LEGISLATING! (“Contrast for America”) Republicans have/are! (RS) Warning: Children Will Die!! (RWU) Hey Progressives – Here’s Your Sign! KISS = Keep It Simple STUPIDS / Kill Insane Spending STUPIDS (RWU) the Party of kNOw (RWU) New “Contract” = “Contrast for America”
more.... Joe Biden Asks Americans to Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends and Family to the Government › American Greatness Article referenced in....
[from: https://jlenarddetroit.locals.com/post/767951/just-like-during-obamabinbiden-years-biden-copies-hitler-youth-era-policy
JLenardDetroit 38 minutes ago]
Just like during ObamaBinBiden years, Biden copies HITLER YOUTH era policy...
[update: here's the article:
I'm no longer with RedState, post new pieces on/at #B4IN
http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles ]
I'm on my phone using Google speech to text dictation so I don't have the opportunity to look it up but when I do get back home on my laptop I'll come back and either edit this or respond as a comment to an article I wrote back during the Obama administration with the same Hitler youth report your parents friends neighbors etc article back then this is just another Biden copying Obama policy.... [response to GAB/@OutlawJW post: https://gab.com/OutlawJW/posts/106419118861592070]