TAKE ACTION: BECOME A DELEGATE and BECOME A POLL INSPECTOR/WORKER (details and applications - click here)
Clubs (Local (S.E.MI) / MI-wide / National):
Not everyone can serve on an Official GOP Committee (there are only so many positions), nor attend all such meetings. GOP Clubs provide a great GRASSROOTS extension to the Party and opportunity for additional involvement and sources of information, activities, to help involve the Base - especially new folks to get their feet wet before potentially deciding to take the step to becoming an Official GOP Precinct Delegate (as discussed in W12NLv2021-2: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-2) and as discussed on MICD12GOP / TAKE ACTION / Become a Delegate page, and we should support their efforts.
DRTL (Downriver Right-To-Life)
UpperDownriver & SouthernDownriver):
This information compiled Aug 2021 - All Rights Reserved to Club, details may change without notice
Upper Downriver RIGHT TO LIFE
an affiliate of Right To Life of Michigan - www.rtl.org
Serving Wyandotte, Southgate, Lincoln Park, Ecorse, River Rouge, and SW Detroit.
2010 Eureka Road
Wyandotte, MI 48192
(Angie Maciag Office Manager - amaciag@rtl.org 734-282-6100)
Southern Downriver RTL
Joe Connors, PO Box 512, Trenton, MI 48183 joe@jgc-solutions.com 734-675-8655
Pro-Life Voices, Faith Christian Church Melvindale
Sharon Grondziak 313-269-4924
related items:
Lincoln Park Crisis Pregnancy Center: www.cpc4lp.com 313-386-4005
MICD12GOP and Wayne-12 declare PRO-LIFE DISTRICTS - see:
Many District related PRO-LIFE items (PLEvent30, more) - see:
See too - Vote Biblically: http://12cdrc.org/clubs-votebiblically

Contact MICD12GOP: MICD12GOP Contact form
Looking to Contact other Districts?
Entire list of District Chairs (2021 list) (click/check here)
Washtenaw County: https://wash-gop.com/contact
Wayne County: email: Wayne12thChairman@gmail.com