Aug 26, 2021
MICD12GOP 1st ever friendly shoot-off competition at Top Gun
Washtenaw County vs Wayne County portions of MICD12GOP friendly “12CDRC supports the 2A” shoot-off competition
August 26, 2021
Teams from both the Washtenaw County and Wayne County portions of MICD12GOP gathered at Top Gun Shooting Sports (Taylor, MI) for a friendly shooting competition. Top Gun prepared Range time/slots for each County portion 3 member Team members to be ranked on Safety and Shooting accuracy, using all: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun.
The Washtenaw crew Won and take the bragging rights.
Will the Wayne crew demand a 2022 rematch?!?!

Washtenaw County portion of MICD12GOP Crew/Team (above)
Wayne County portion of MICD12GOP Crew/Team (below)

MGO (Mi Gun Owners): http://12cdrc.org/clubs-mgo
Forum discussion: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/it-s-not-about-guns-it-s-about-attacking-freedom-and-the-constitution
Start, or join, a Discussion on this or any other Topic/Issue in the MICD12GOP forum!