TAKE ACTION: BECOME A DELEGATE and BECOME A POLL INSPECTOR/WORKER (details and applications - click here)
Clubs (Local (S.E.MI) / MI-wide / National):
Not everyone can serve on an Official GOP Committee (there are only so many positions), nor attend all such meetings. GOP Clubs provide a great GRASSROOTS extension to the Party and opportunity for additional involvement and sources of information, activities, to help involve the Base - especially new folks to get their feet wet before potentially deciding to take the step to becoming an Official GOP Precinct Delegate (as discussed in W12NLv2021-2: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-2) and as discussed on MICD12GOP / TAKE ACTION / Become a Delegate page, and we should support their efforts.
EIN (Election Integrity Network):
This information compiled April 2021 - All Rights Reserved to Club, details may change without notice
Election Integrity Network (Tami Carlone (MRP Coalitions Vice-Chair))
Announcing the Michigan Election Integrity Network!
What does a state-wide elected party leader that is a CPA and Process Improvement Expert do to help with the most critical issue facing us? She builds a Network that everybody working on Election Integrity issues in the state can join, so we can all be more efficient and effective in our work!
The Network will work to define and meet state-wide goals. The goals will be a stated list of holes in our election system that must be filled. We will work to make sure somebody is addressing each issue. If you are working on an election integrity initiative, I encourage you to sign up to take part in this Network. All you have to do is send me your group name (if applicable), and the lead person’s name, cell, email, county and city. All of this, plus a brief description of the effort, can be e-mailed to TamaraCPA@outlook.com.
The Network already has about 50 members (as of March 2021), many of which are groups. This is a great sign as it is only a few weeks old. This should give Republicans in our state hope to know we have so many people that are NOT letting this issue go! NONE of us should let this issue go and we should all be working on this.
The Network also has a separate list of people that have stepped up to help as needed. This is called the Election Integrity (EI) Army. Groups and people that are working on EI initiatives will need a lot of help over the next two years. As one of the goals of the Network is to find synergies and efficiencies among the various EI efforts, this is just one way to achieve that goal. I encourage everybody to sign up right away as 2022 will be here in the blink of an eye and we have no time to waste. To sign up to be part of the EI Army, to be called upon to help EI initiatives, please e-mail me at TamaraCPA@outlook.com. I must have your name, cell, email, county, and city. If you have any special skills to bring to the table, please mention those as well. You can also help by sending other people my way.
The Network is NOT to replace or to take over anything anybody is doing. No way! We need everybody focused and working hard. It is to enhance all efforts in Michigan. In addition to the above stated goals, the Network will be a “place” to communicate and coordinate, learn, get and provide encouragement, and to share resources.
Antrim was one of three counties I did a statistical analysis of. They are a good example to use because they are small, and they are a consistent Republican majority county. I did Wayne County as they have kept me from the State Board of Education in 2020 and in 2018, after winning the rest of the state by far on election day. Some of you may recall my doing a statistical analysis of Wayne County in 2018 and presenting proof of election fraud to the Wayne Board of Canvassers and asking them to NOT CERTIFY the election results. They went right ahead and certified without even hearing me out. I did Oakland County as I lived there for 30 years and have watched it go from a Republican Powerhouse to the Democrats nudging us right out. I encourage all county leadership in MI to crunch their county election numbers and to also conduct a comparative year’s analysis.
So – was there fraud and were election laws violated? 100% YES! There was in 2018 as well. 100%
What must we each do about it? TAKE ACTION! The time to look to others to fix things is over…obviously.
What about elected officials that are ignoring We the People and all the proof? We all need to push like hell until they feel enough political pain to do the right thing. We need to oust them, and we need to find and seriously support true principled conservative candidates. Do we want to spend resources or lose our country?
Am I including elected officials in the Network? I have invited the Representative and Senator that is Chairing the Election Integrity efforts in the MI House and Senate – Ann Bollin and Ruth Johnson. Representative Julie Alexander is also doing critical work in the MI House and she reached out to me on her own. The effort she is putting forward is great and she is in the Network. I encourage you to check out the letter she sent to the MI Auditor General.
I hear from Republicans all over MI every single day. I have told the state party, and some elected officials, that something big must happen and soon, to restore the hope Republicans have in our party and in our legislature. State Party is working on Election Integrity as well.
If you want to do something right this moment to help with Election Integrity – sign up with me as per above and help the Antrim case by donating on the lawyer’s website: https://www.depernolaw.com/. We all know doing what it takes to get things back on track is going to take a ton of money and all hands-on deck, for a long time period.
Tamara Diane Swinson-Carlone, CPA (aka Tami Carlone) Bio:
As a Corporate CPA, Business Owner, and Process Improvement Expert of 30 years, Tami has helped many large corporations operate more efficiently and effectively. She has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Michigan. Tami has forensic audit experience and was called “The Fraud Queen” when she worked for the IRS. The Criminal Investigation Division heavily recruited Tami due to her innate ability to detect fraud. Her efforts put many people behind bars.
In her 20 years of activism, she has led efforts on the national, state, and local levels to return our schools to truth and excellence, including co-authoring a bill to get Michigan out of Common Core, speaking to groups all over Michigan, and serving on the boards of Michigan Parents Involved in Education and Stop Common Core in Michigan. She has also been an active member of the Truth in American Education network, and edited and endorsed the book, “Changing the Course of Failure: How Schools & Parents Can Help Low-Achieving Students."
For the last 10 years, Tami has been extremely active in the Michigan Republican party, serving as a National, State and Local Delegate, and earning overwhelming support as our State Board of Education Candidate in 2020 and 2018. She has served on the Oakland County Republican Party Executive Committee, and as Treasurer of Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Conservative Union. She worked tirelessly to get President Trump elected after serving as a National Delegate in 2016 and was on the Michigan Women for Trump Leadership Team. Tami has helped organize several conservative conferences, enjoys spreading the truth about our party platform, and has recruited and trained hundreds of Precinct Delegates.
In early 2021, Tami created the Michigan Election Integrity Network, and was elected by an overwhelming margin by the Michigan Delegation to serve as the Michigan Republican Party Coalitions Vice Chair. Tami is a Daughter of the American Revolution and is passionate about her service to our state and country. Tami is a proud Mom of Andrew and Kaleigh, who have graduated from the University of Michigan and are a Biomedical Engineer and a Neuroscientist.

Clubs pages republished with persmission from Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter 2021-4 (Apr 2021) Edition: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-4
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Wayne County: email: Wayne12thChairman@gmail.com