Take Action:
You can join 12th (or other) Congressional District Republicans Family.
2022 Precinct Delegate Affidavit...
Why Conservatives MUST become Precinct Delegate?
see here: http://tinyurl.com/BeAGOPDelegate
Do you think who becomes the MIGOP nominees for AG, SOS, or how about Michigan Supreme Court Justices, and the list does NOT stop there, are important? Ask yourself, do they really if you are NOT A DELEGATE, because those are selected ONLY BY ELECTED DELEGATES AND ONLY AT CONVENTION!
The 2022 Precinct Delegate Affidavit is now available, but best to not file until Jan/Feb 2022 (and many Districts will hold sign-up Parties) when they are used to receiving, handling, processing them…
Print form (outlined below) online: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/Aff-ID_Precnt_139901_7.pdf
Why you should be a Delegate: drewmckissick.com/why-conservatives-should-get-involved...
Also if you want to know more, you can read the official State guide: MI-SOS Delegate Guide
(but, of course, why you let THE STATE manipulate your decisions?!?!)
MIGOP (2013) Delegate guide (archived): dropbox.com/PrecinctDelegateManual-2.3-2013
MIGOP (Coalitions ViceChair) 2021 PD overview/training (archived): dropbox.com/PDTraining
P.D. Training ZOOM session Chat saved text (archived): dropbox.com/PDZoomTrainingSavedChat
Why Christians/Jews should be GOP Delegates sub-section further down page.
Convincing people to STOP screaming from the Bleachers, and get in the game - if you/they are not involved weekly, monthly, year-round, you cannot make a difference, and will continue to make no difference: WAAM Radio (ART (Sat's 9a) Show) AUDIO file here
Another AUDIO FILE about What is a Delegate, How to become one, Why you should, more:
WAAM Radio (YourAmericanHeritage (Sat's 1p) Show) AUDIO file here
Do you know anyone still not Registered to Vote yet?? Register to Vote Application form (share with them): michigan.gov/documents/MichiganVoterRegistrationApplicationForm pdf
STOP THE STEAL, be at the Polling Station Table: Application to become Election Inspector (Poll Worker): michigan.gov/documents/Election-Inspector-Worker_Application
Be forewarned. If you get involved with this, DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING ABOUT IT ON YOUR APPLICATION to become a POLL INSPECTOR, do NOT even talk about it on your social media platform posts (they may well review your Accounts). They will likely flag you to NOT BE HIRED! And, these are PAID POSITIONS, and they CAN AND WILL BE PICKY about who they hire! They do not want any THINKING PEOPLE with outside training about watching for FRAUD!
If you are already a Precinct Delegate, here are some actions...
* Precinct plan: https://rescuemichigan.com/precinct.php
* How to win Elections at Precinct level (guide): dropbox/PrecinctActionCourse-HowToWinElections-DelegateHandbook.pdf
* Get your Districts Voter-list: https://rescuemichigan.com/vquery.php
* Call center: https://rescuemichigan.com/call.php
(courtesy our Friend Adam at Rescue Michigan)
* Additional Delegate Resources: http://miprecinctfirst.com
Looking to Contact Legislators? State of Michigan listings
Case for DeCertification of 2020 Election in Mi (P. Colbeck)
Trump 1776 Advisory Commission (2020 Final Report)

Above PRECINCT DELEGATE AFFIDAVIT and other related (Register to Vote, Poll Inspector Application) forms on this Page relate to any/all Counties/Districts in Michigan. For list of Washtenaw and/or Wayne County Communities (see if you are in the MICD12) that comprise our District - see: ABOUT US Page.
Regardless of what District you are currently in, or will be following ReDistricting (see more on that at: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps) you need to be a Delegate if at all possible.

You MUST BECOME A DELEGATE discussion w/ Cindi Holland on WAAM "Your American Heritage"
Not everyone can serve on an Official GOP Committee (there are only so many positions), nor attend all such meetings, nor may obtain a Convention slot (in Districts with alot of Delegates, and assigns Convention Delegates via apportionment). GOP Clubs provide a great GRASSROOTS extension to the Party (or, pressure upon the GOP to take make requested changes and/or take desired actions) and opportunity for additional involvement and sources of information, activities, to help involve the Base - and while we want to encourage people to become Precinct Delegates Club membership and activity may be a good/better starting point for new folks looking to get their feet wet, learns the ropes, interact and Network, before potentially deciding to take the step to becoming an Official GOP Precinct Delegate. See: http://12cdrc.org/clubs page for more.
Do you know someone NOT...
Registered to Vote?
A Precinct Delegate?
Applied to be a POLL INSPECTOR?!?!
If you or someone you know needs the Form(s) for upcoming 2022 Elections for/to...
REGISTER TO VOTE {yes, sadly, Nationwide only 60% of Christians {who are mostly Conservative Allies} are Registered}
PRECINCT DELEGATE AFFIDAVIT {to become GOP Delegate {Aug 2022 Primary Ballot application}}
or information on WHY they should be! -
... please refer them to this (https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate) page for form or access link to forms
Be forewarned. If you get involved with this, DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING ABOUT IT ON YOUR APPLICATION to become a POLL INSPECTOR, do NOT even talk about it on your social media platform posts (they may well review your Accounts). They will likely flag you to NOT BE HIRED! And, these are PAID POSITIONS, and they CAN AND WILL BE PICKY about who they hire! They do not want any THINKING PEOPLE with outside training about watching for FRAUD!
This sub-section only relates to fellow Christians and/or fellow Jews...
Why you, as a person of Faith, MUST be a GOP Delegate...
(AUDIO) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zh0292xdinu2f5f/WAAM-ART-OurDutiesAsChristianCitizens-08282021.mp3?dl=0
(AUDIO 2) https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xz9god3j6ung9x/YAH-MarianSheridan-Delegates-11062021.mp3?dl=0
(AUDIO) OAK Conference (Sat. Sep. 11, 2021 (Jackson Michigan)) - Religious Founding of America - Kristina Karamo (2022 MIGOP MI-SOS Primary Candidate)
(hear additional OAK Conference speeches in: https://www.12cdrc.org/gop-values-speeches)
Written form...
Q: Are we doomed? NO, 2Chronicles714 says to Pray, but we have FREE WILL and must also take actions as a Citizen under Romans...
(aka: http://tinyurl.com/2Chronicles714For2022)
and related: http://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords
see too: http://JesusIsInvolvedInPolitics.com (by Neil Mammen)
Neil Mammen on WAAM https://www.dropbox.com/s/iy9sewwny3bi925/WAAM-MomentOfClarity-NeilMammen-Sat10172020.mp3?dl=0
hear too (Vote Biblically/Morally) Show (AUDIO): https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1tnqb14qc6uyp6/WAAM-MomentOfClarity-VoteBiblicallyAndMorallyShow.mp3?dl=0
And, an aside, the LEFT will never, EVER, give up with their RaceBaiting FalseNarratives of calling us RACISTS... Do NOT let that stop you, in fact it should incense you to want to FIGHT BACK EVEN HARDER - see: https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2021/11/you-finally-awake-or-still-fake-woke-how-dare-those-racist-republicans-elect-so-many-black-and-latino-candidates-across-usa-in-redwave2021-2584783.html
h/t to @MIUnite2 on Twitter for the heads-up.... there is MISLEADING INFORMATION out there about MI Elections...
@MIUnite2 on Twatter was posting about PLEASE VOTE FOR KRISTINA KARAMO on AUG 2 2021.
(This is NOT about Kristina, you support who you want, this is about SEVERAL Candidates that their Primary is actually at the Convention NOT the General Primary Aug Ballot Election)
I had to inform her, like the GEICO commercial used to say: "That is NOT how that works" and alerted me to the FACT that others MAY BE CONFUSED also.....
Joseph M Lenard [from StandUpMichigan-WayneCounty forums]
h/t to @MIUnite2 on Twitter for the heads-up.... there is MISLEADING INFORMATION out there about MI Elections...
Please LET ME KNOW (use 12cdrc.org CONTACT tab/form) if you come across any other sites providing INCORRECT / INCOMPLETE / MISLEADING info so I, as a MI Elected Official (Delegate, and member of MICD12GOP), can reach out and work with them to provide better/complete/correct information to Michigan Voters.
To: editor@ballotpedia.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:11:44 PM EST
Subject: Misleading information on your MICHIGAN ELECTIONS (FAQ about Primary) page....
see https://beforeitsnews.com/republican/2021/12/you-can-join-12th-or-other-congressional-district-republicans-family-or-any-other-district-and-the-migop-as-a-whole-if-you-are-not-a-delegate-you-have-zero-say-in-how-the-mi-2444975.html {aka: http://tinyurl.com/WhyYouMustBeMIGOPDelegate} about ONE MUST BE A DELEGATE to have a say who becomes the MIGOP nominee for MIAG, MISOS, and more, AT CONVENTION and NOT IN REGULAR OPEN (to General Voters) PRIMARY!!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit (Joseph Lenard))
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor (http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-7),
12CDRC.org (http://12cdrc.org) Webmaster
ALSO, if you know anyone that is a Constitutionalist (sadly around 50% of Christians are) NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE YET you can go to that article to access MI VOTER REGISTRATION application/form to help them fill out and send in.... as well as anyone considering being a POLL INSPECTOR (work the Poll, do NOT be ignored and pushed around like a POLL CHALLENGER often is) Application/form there-in. The article talks about BEING A MICD12GOP DELEGATE but it relates to ANYWHERE IN MICHIGAN and even worth sharing with others in other Blue/Purple/RINOred States we need to GET CONSERVATIVES ELECTED at/in to get them interested/curious about what the specifics are in their States (and there is a link about finding out how/where to become a Delegate in other States)!
On Wed. Aug. 18, 2021 the Wayne County Districts held a...Special: Wayne County Convention (for Delegates and those wishing to become Delegate in 2022)here is a copy of the Straw Poll results (be an influence, get/be involved):

A/any STRAW POLL is NON-Scientific vs a Standard Poll conducted by research firms under controlled "RANDOM SAMPLING" and selected "SCIENTIFIC SAMPLE SIZE" and merely a very SMALL SNAPSHOT of gathering/group of people participating in such and DOES NOT constitute any Endorsement of/by said organization conducting Straw Poll (for Guests sampling only).
This was a TOP 3, non-weighted, Poll (all Votes count equally, vs weighted/RANKED Poll)
Any claims of support by any Candidate based upon ANY Straw Poll should be taken advisedly.
Additional Straw Poll results
(including a special "combined" synopsis far more representative of area Delegates'/Republicans thoughts (though still not Scientific)):
See speeches from Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, and POTUS45 in MICD12GOP "GOP Values in Speeches" page: https://www.12cdrc.org/gop-values-speeches
REDISTRICTING NOTE: The MICD12 likely to mostly be part of NEW MICD07 (All District numbers change).
Likely key cities previously part of 12th not likely to remain with bulk of cities above into NEW MICD07 are: Allen Park, Dearborn, Lincoln Park, Taylor (and potentially Southgate and Wyandotte, depending on potential Map that becomes FINAL MAP).
Likely key area(s) added to NEW MICD07: areas West of Ann Arbor to Grass Lake, up from AA toward S. Lyon, down toward/past Saline (just north of Clinton).
more - see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps
Therefore you may wish to join a few more/new Clubs that are currently part of another District, that you may soon be merged into/with, in order to NETWORK and get to know your new/fellow District Delegates before, for once, they officially change. see: http://12cdrc.org/clubs for listings.
Start, or join, a Discussion on this/these or any other Topic(s)/Issue(s) in the MICD12GOP forum!
AUDIO: Some people prefer VERBALIZATION over READING and WRITING therefore I hope you'll engage in these AUDIO FILES - collection of WAAM Radio appearances (don't shoot, nor praise, the messanger) on wide variety of topics/issues (Christian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, in nature)........