Sep 11, 2021
Sep 11, 2021 - MICD12GOP heavy presence in 2nd Annual "OAK Conference"
Mike Strother (MICD12GOP Chair) MC
Jason Von Mueller and Joseph Lenard spoke (among others)
On September 11th the Coalition of Republican Counties hosted the Second Oak Conference in Jackson Michigan. It started at the Birthplace of the Republican Party Historical Marker at 12 noon and then moved to Ella Sharp Park Pavillion to engage in discussions of the issues of our time....
(additional Event details down-thread)
OAK Conference speeches...
(cross referenced in: http://12cdrc.org/gop-values-speeches)
Lincoln Address - Jason Von Mueller
Young Conservatives (JIP) - Jack Harrison
Avoiding the TIpping Point - Rod Anderson
Modern Federalism vs Originalist Federalists - Joseph Lenard
(related: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/federalism-modern-federalism-vs-originalist-federalists (includes written, audio, and video, elements)
also online at B4IN at: http://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists)
Religious Founding of America - Kristina Karamo
Critical Race Theory - Capone and Hermes
Other (various topics) Audio files (not from or related to OAK Conference):
Semi-related: Wayne-12CDRC (Wayne County portion of MICD12GOP) Constitution Dinner 2021 (details: http://tinyurl.com/W12CD2021Details) Keynote speech (Video,35m) on 1st Amendment (specifically Freedom Of Religion aspect): https://youtu.be/PPxnvtvixUI
Most importantly MI REDISTRICTING:
OAK Conference images...
(images courtesy: Todd Elwart)

GOP Values in Pictures.... see too MICD12GOP images via...
May 2021 NEWS - "MICD12GOP Picnic (Romulus Michigan)": https://www.12cdrc.org/news-family-friends-fellowship-picnic
Sep. 2021 NEWS - "OAK Conference (Sat. Sep. 11, 2021 (Jackson Michigan))" NEWS page: https://www.12cdrc.org/news-oak-conference
OAK Conference (additional details)
On September 11th the Coalition of Republican Counties hosted the Second Oak Conference. It started at the Birthplace of the Republican Party Historical Marker at 12 noon and then moved to Ella Sharp Park Pavillion to engage in discussions of the issues of our time....
12:00 PM - Met at the GOP Under the Oaks Historical Marker https://www.jacksonmich.com/markers/mark1.htm
See Historical Marker Map Location at the Following Link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Under+the+Oaks+Park/@42.2438902,-84.4162551,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6724098b17c45fa7!8m2!3d42.2438902!4d-84.4162551
01:00 PM - Moved to Event secondary location at Ella Sharp Park Pavilion to hear informal presentations from those who would like to say a few words about the Republican Party and Speakers discussing issues of our time.
Link for direction to the pavilion:
Parking is available at the Rotunda Pavilion or at the museum down the hill and across the street.
People were urged to bring a lawn chair for seating at the Park Pavilion.
03:00 PM - Late lunch at the Grand River Brewery, 117 W. Louis Glick Hwy. (517) 962-2427
See Grand River Brewery Map Location at the Following Link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Grand+River+Brewery+-+Jackson/@42.2492364,-84.4075362,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x10fa877284069084!8m2!3d42.2492364!4d-84.4075362
MICD12GOP | ABOUT | GOP Values Speeches: http://12cdrc.org/gop-values-speeches
Forum discussion: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/federalism-modern-federalism-vs-originalist-federalists
And, an aside, the LEFT will never, EVER, give up with their RaceBaiting FalseNarratives of calling us RACISTS... Do NOT let that stop you, in fact it should incense you to want to FIGHT BACK EVEN HARDER - see: https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2021/11/you-finally-awake-or-still-fake-woke-how-dare-those-racist-republicans-elect-so-many-black-and-latino-candidates-across-usa-in-redwave2021-2584783.html
ACT: Become a Delegate...
Semi-related: Wayne-12CDRC (Wayne County portion of MICD12GOP) Constitution Dinner 2021 (details: http://tinyurl.com/W12CD2021Details) Keynote speech (Video,35m) on 1st Amendment (specifically Freedom Of Religion aspect): https://youtu.be/PPxnvtvixUI
Start, or join, a Discussion on this or any other Topic/Issue in the MICD12GOP forum!