May 2021
Report from MI12CDGOP May 22, 2021 Meeting
MICD12GOP Declares the 12CDRC as a Pro-Life District
Michigan's 12th Congressional District Republican Committee May meeting: adopted two additional Resolutions. One being a PRO-LIFE DECLARATION Resolution (outlined below).
[NOTE: Nov. 2021 update, bottom of page]
Resolution of the Executive Committee and Officers of
Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Party
Passed On 22 May 2021
WHEREAS the Democrats have waged a deceptive “War on Women” attack against Republican pro-life candidates, demonizing them and manipulating American voters; and
WHEREAS the Republican Party is proud to stand up for the rights of the unborn and believe all Americans have an unalienable right to life as stated in The Declaration of Independence; and
WHEREAS pro-life Republicans should fight back against deceptive rhetoric regardless of those in the Republican Party who encourage them to stay silent; and
WHEREAS Candidates who stay silent on pro-life issues do not identify with key voters, fail to alert voters to the Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stances, and have lost their elections; and
WHEREAS according to the extensive polling conducted by Gallup since 1975, many Republican stances regarding abortion garner at least:
60% support from the public and across the political spectrum
87% support informed-consent laws about certain possible risks of the abortion procedure
80% support banning abortion during the 3rd trimester
71% support parental consent laws
69% support imposing a 24-hour wait period before an abortion
64% of Americans support banning abortion during the 2nd trimester
64% support banning partial-birth abortion
64% support spousal notification laws that require the husband to be simply notified if his wife seeks an abortion
WHEREAS staying silent fails because this strategy allows Democrats to define the Republican brand and prevents the Republican Party from taking advantage of widely supported pro-life positions listed above to attract traditional and new values voters; and
WHEREAS staying silent fails to alert voters to the Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stances, which voters are repelled by.
THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED the Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Committee condemns the Democrats’ deceptive “war on women” rhetoric; and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED the Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Committee will support Republican pro-life candidates who fight back against Democratic deceptive “war on women” rhetoric by pointing out the extreme positions on abortion held by Democratic opponents; and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED the Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Committee will not support the strategy of Republican pro-life candidates staying silent in the face of such deceptive rhetoric; and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED the Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Committee urges all Republican prolife candidates, consultants, and other national Republican Political Action Committees to reject a strategy of silence on the abortion issue when candidates are attacked with “war on women” rhetoric.
Approved by the Michigan’s 12th District Executive Committee by a majority vote on 22 May 2021
Michael Strother
Chairman, Michigan’s 12th Congressional District Republican Committee
The Wayne County portion of the 12th District (Wayne-12CDRC) previously passed PRO-LIFE DECLARATION prior to the full 12CDRC adoption of a similar Resolution. details in 2021-5 Edition of the W12 Newsletter - viewable online at: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-5

Report on PRO-LIFE 3.0 EVENT (Wayne County portion of the 12th) held Saturday May 8, 2021 1:00p-5:00p
Pro-Life Event v4.0 coming 2022? – help us to aid at risk / in-need children!
Wayne-12th’s first Annual Pro-Life Event to raise Funds / items for “Lincoln Park Crisis Pregnancy Center” was previously held in April 2019 and PLE 2.0 May of 2020 (Wuhan Virus Lockdown Orders by Governor Whitmer required us to delay and hold Drive-Up/Drop-Off only “Pro-Life Event 2.0”, as we felt even more important to Help Single Mothers and young Children in 2020 - with so many out of Work due to Lockdowns Charitable donations to all causes were down). This year’s Annual Pro-Life Event was held May 8, 2021 at God's Family Room (GFR), 8813 Beech Daly Rd, Taylor MI 48180.
Also, WAAM Radio (1600AM, Ann Arbor Michigan) Broadcasted LIVE (Listen Live to WAAM anytime, anywhere, online: http://tinyurl.com/WAAM1600Live) as they did our 2020 Pro-Life Event 2.0 Drive and you can hear those Broadcasts (Show Archives) here (audio only)…
Ed Bonderenka’s "Your American Heritage" (lead-in, with Author Bruce Fleury (which a copy of his Book: "The Negro Project" about Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, was raffled off at our Event) and Alison the Founder of VoteBiblically) Show: https://anchor.fm/your-american-heritage/episodes/...
Pastor Rick and Phil Stargell and "Moment Of Clarity" LIVE remote from GFM: https://anchor.fm/moment-of-clarity/episodes/...
[Originally Published Wayne-12 Newsletter (http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-5, page 5) which has additional Pro-Life related items [see page 6, 7, 17, 20-22] Additionally the Wayne-12 (Wayne portion of the 12th District, passed the same basic Resolution as above. The Official announcement and copy of the Resolution can be found in the W12 Newsletter v2021-5 Edition: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-5]
Please support: Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Thank you all for helping raise Cash and (large amount of needed) items for LPCPC, but work is never done. You can continue to help 365 days/yr – SEND CHECKS (ANYTIME) TO LPCPC (payable: “Lincoln Park CPC”), 1760 Fort St., Lincoln Park MI 48146 (online: http://CPC4LP.com).
[also, related DownriverGrit article:

Start, or join, a Discussion on this or any other Topic/Issue in the MICD12GOP forum!

see related: http://tinyurl.com/RoeVWadeExamined
and: https://tinyurl.com/Gosnell2016
also: https://tinyurl.com/BlackBabyGenocide
UDRightToLife: http://12cdrc.org/clubs-drtl
Vote Biblically: http://12cdrc.org/clubs-vb
[NOTE: Nov. 2021 update...]

Focus On Life Event 2021 [NOTE: FAIR USE LAW snippet below]:
Monroe County Right to Life chapter looking to expand membership
The Monroe News - Dean Cousino - Nov. 16 2021
LASALLE -- Michigan is a strong pro-life state thanks to the Michigan Right to Life organization and its local affiliates like the Monroe County Right to Life Chapter, said Robert M. Burke, president of the county group.
“We were about dead, on life support,” Burke told about 150 guests attending the chapter’s annual banquet Thursday at LaRoy’s Hall in LaSalle. “But we’re improving, like the Phoenix coming out of the ashes. But we still need more people on the board and many volunteers.”
for whole story, go to source: Monroe County Right to Life chapter looking to expand membership (monroenews.com).