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12th Congressional District Republicans
MICD12 Map
District outline/map (until ReDistricting for new Districts effective Jan. 2023 are applied (more/click-here)):
(see too: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps)

REDISTRICTING NOTE: The MICD12 likely to mostly be part of NEW MICD07 (All District numbers change).
[Dec. 30, 2021 update: The MICRC selected as FINAL, but will face court challenges, are in. Most of the old MICD12 will now be MICD06 (if the map holds) with other portions potentially into the NEWLY drawn MICD07, MICD11, MICD12, and MICD13, Districts.]
Likely key cities previously part of 12th not likely to remain with bulk of cities above into NEW MICD06 or NEW MICD07 are: Allen Park, Dearborn, Lincoln Park, Taylor (and potentially Southgate and Wyandotte, depending on potential Map that becomes FINAL MAP).
Likely key area(s) added to NEW MICD07: areas West of Ann Arbor to Grass Lake, up from AA toward S. Lyon, down toward/past Saline (just north of Clinton).
more - see: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/redistricting-discussion/first-look-at-new-s-e-michigan-district-maps
TAKE ACTION: BECOME A DELEGATE and BECOME A POLL INSPECTOR/WORKER (details and applications - click here)
h/t to @MIUnite2 on Twitter for the heads-up.... there is MISLEADING INFORMATION out there about MI Elections...
@MIUnite2 on Twatter was posting about PLEASE VOTE FOR KRISTINA KARAMO on AUG 2 2021.
(This is NOT about Kristina, you support who you want, this is about SEVERAL Candidates that their Primary is actually at the Convention NOT the General Primary Aug Ballot Election)
I had to inform her, like the GEICO commercial used to say: "That is NOT how that works" and alerted me to the FACT that others MAY BE CONFUSED also.....
Joseph M Lenard [from StandUpMichigan-WayneCounty forums]
h/t to @MIUnite2 on Twitter for the heads-up.... there is MISLEADING INFORMATION out there about MI Elections...
Please LET ME KNOW (use 12cdrc.org CONTACT tab/form) if you come across any other sites providing INCORRECT / INCOMPLETE / MISLEADING info so I, as a MI Elected Official (Delegate, and member of MICD12GOP), can reach out and work with them to provide better/complete/correct information to Michigan Voters.
To: editor@ballotpedia.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 12:11:44 PM EST
Subject: Misleading information on your MICHIGAN ELECTIONS (FAQ about Primary) page....
see https://beforeitsnews.com/republican/2021/12/you-can-join-12th-or-other-congressional-district-republicans-family-or-any-other-district-and-the-migop-as-a-whole-if-you-are-not-a-delegate-you-have-zero-say-in-how-the-mi-2444975.html {aka: http://tinyurl.com/WhyYouMustBeMIGOPDelegate} about ONE MUST BE A DELEGATE to have a say who becomes the MIGOP nominee for MIAG, MISOS, and more, AT CONVENTION and NOT IN REGULAR OPEN (to General Voters) PRIMARY!!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit (Joseph Lenard))
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor (http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-7),
12CDRC.org (http://12cdrc.org) Webmaster
ALSO, if you know anyone that is a Constitutionalist (sadly around 50% of Christians are) NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE YET you can go to that article to access MI VOTER REGISTRATION application/form to help them fill out and send in.... as well as anyone considering being a POLL INSPECTOR (work the Poll, do NOT be ignored and pushed around like a POLL CHALLENGER often is) Application/form there-in. The article talks about BEING A MICD12GOP DELEGATE but it relates to ANYWHERE IN MICHIGAN and even worth sharing with others in other Blue/Purple/RINOred States we need to GET CONSERVATIVES ELECTED at/in to get them interested/curious about what the specifics are in their States (and there is a link about finding out how/where to become a Delegate in other States)!
Start, or join, a Discussion on this or any other Topic/Issue in the MICD12GOP forum!
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