TAKE ACTION: BECOME A DELEGATE and BECOME A POLL INSPECTOR/WORKER (details and applications - click here)
Clubs (Local (S.E.MI) / MI-wide / National):
Not everyone can serve on an Official GOP Committee (there are only so many positions), nor attend all such meetings. GOP Clubs provide a great GRASSROOTS extension to the Party and opportunity for additional involvement and sources of information, activities, to help involve the Base - especially new folks to get their feet wet before potentially deciding to take the step to becoming an Official GOP Precinct Delegate (as discussed in W12NLv2021-2: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-2) and as discussed on MICD12GOP / TAKE ACTION / Become a Delegate page, and we should support their efforts.
ERC (Eastside Republicans Club):
This information compiled April 2021 - All Rights Reserved to Club, details may change without notice
The Eastside Republican Club welcomes you!
(Marie Hackleman (ERC Chair))
The ERC brings like-minded people together through monthly meetings on the eastside of Metropolitan Detroit, the third Tuesday of each month from September through May. Our meetings are free and open to the community.
As an independent club, we're committed to providing a forum for discussion and promotion of ideas consistent with conservative and republican principles.
We offer opportunities to learn and deepen our understanding of issues of local, state, and national importance through informative speakers, panels, elected leaders, candidates (partisan and non-partisan) and think-tank representatives, among others.
As a grassroots organization, we network with the Republican Party state, district, and county organizations, as well as other conservative committees, coalitions, clubs and individuals to effect conservative outcomes, candidates and policies.
ERC dues are only $25 per household annually, or $100 (as of and for Election cycle 2022) for a five-year membership (that’s one year free!). Dues can be mailed to: Eastside Republican Club, PO Box 361025, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236.
The ERC serves the eastside of Detroit, the five Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods, St. Clair Shores (northeastern Wayne County and southeastern Macomb County).
In the past the ERC has hosted such esteemed Speakers as: former State Senator Pat Colbeck; Dan Calabrese, editor of HermanCain.com; State Senator Ruth Johnson; Monica Palmer, Wayne County Board of Canvassers; and a small business owners’ panel on the impact of the Governor’s lockdown on their businesses and industries. Next up— Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido addresses the Governor’s nursing home policy scandal, April 20th. We welcome you to join us!
Connect with us: Facebook.com/EastsideRepublicanClub | chairman@eastside-republican-club.org | Twitter.com/EastsideGOP

Clubs pages republished with persmission from Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter 2021-4 (Apr 2021) Edition: http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-4
Contact MICD12GOP: MICD12GOP Contact form
Looking to Contact other Districts?
Entire list of District Chairs (2021 list) (click/check here)
Washtenaw County: https://wash-gop.com/contact
Wayne County: email: Wayne12thChairman@gmail.com