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GOP values:
Republican values: Speeches
(note: individual opinions expressed may or may not reflect that of the MICD12GOP but only of the individual listed as author and presented as "sampling" of the thoughts of key/prominent Conservative/Republican advocates)
Sept. 2021 update - OAK Conference Speeches
(Audio, mp3's), below VIDEOS section.
GOP values:
Republican values: Speech Videos
Ronald Reagan: 1st Innaugural Address
Ladies and Gentleman...
Winsome Sears - Republican Black Conservative Immigrant Women - VALG
Gene Simmons: on America
See too: GOP values in Music/Song
Frederick Douglass: What the Black Man Wants (and Republican Abolitionists movement)
Red Skelton: explaining Pledge of Allegiance
see too: MICD12GOP: GOP values: Red Skelton
Gothix: Are Black People Ready to Talk About Race Hustlers?
See too: GOP values in Music/Song
Ronald Reagan: When (no longer "if") Fascism comes to America (Fascicrats)
Donald Trump: CPAC (2021) Speech discussion
Ronald Reagan: The Direction of Nation under failed Liberal Policies.
Jeff Van Drew: Repeats Reagan line:
I Didn't Leave the Democrat Party, it Left me.
Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation
Elbert Guillory: Why I Left the Democrat Party and became a member of the Grand Ole Party.
#HistoryMatters #FactsMatter
Candace Owens: on the Nuclear Family
(and the destruction of the Black Community)
Donald Trump: RNC (2020)
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Ronald Reagan: A Soldiers Pledge
(unleashing Freedom/Prosperity in USA)
Ronald Reagan: Comedic interludes
also related: The need to use Humor to get past Peoples' Defenses when dealing with the Politically Brain-Dead: https://tinyurl.com/BrainDeadPeople
Donald Trump: Grand Rapids MI (2020) Rally
Tim Scott: Rebuttal to Biden Address (2020)
see too: MICD12GOP: GOP values: Tim Scott
Brandon Straka: Who, like Reagan, now says He didn't leave the Democrat Party the Democrat Party left him (so he Founded #WalkAway movement)
Candace Owens: The Lies of Modern Feminism
Gothix: Pathetical Corruptness Doesn't Correct Anything
See too: GOP values in Music/Song
Ronald Reagan: Peace Through Strength
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Brandon Straka (and others): on Why so many in the LGBTQ Community #WalkAway from Democrats.
Gothix: Identity Politics Destroys Individuality
Larry Elder: The #BLEXIT movement
Larry Elder: How/why I became a Conservative
Kristi Noem: CPAC (2021)
Thomas Sowell: Economic Myths
see related: They say Scandanavia but they mean Venezuela: https://youtu.be/Hgipa2cdbVk
Walter Williams: Minimum Wage and other Economic False Narratives
see related: They say Scandanavia but they mean Venezuela: https://youtu.be/Hgipa2cdbVk
Tammy Bruce (another #WalkAway):
Socialism is a long discredited Dead Idea.
see too: MICD12GOP: GOP values: Tammy Bruce
PragerU: Taxes, Government Revenue, and the Laffer Curve
Ben Shapiro: Universal HealthCare failures
see related: They say Scandanavia but they mean Venezuela: https://youtu.be/Hgipa2cdbVk
PragerU: Capitalism and Private vs Government Investment dichotomy
Dan Bongino: CPAC (2021)
PragerU: Fake News and the Charlottesville LIE
Thomas Sowell: On #BlackLivesMatter and other Left (Socialist) doctrine False Narratives
(YouTube, of course, CENSORED the original Video shared here - so I have had to replace with this older one covering same basic topics/discussion)
Conservative Panel: Cancel Culture
Larry Elder: The Ferguson Lie (and the False Narratives that built the #BlackLivesMatter and #DefundThePolice movements)
PragerU: Is Voter Fraud Real? Answer: YES!
see related items...
Mail-In-Ballots: https://youtu.be/-2jiZc4uHEc
Jason Riley: Voter Suppression Myth: https://youtu.be/Hgipa2cdbVk
Modern Federalism vs Originalist Federalists
related article: MICD12GOP Forum: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/federalism-modern-federalism-vs-originalist-federalists
Wayne-12CDRC (Wayne County portion of MICD12GOP) Constitution Dinner 2021 (details: http://tinyurl.com/W12CD2021Details) Keynote speech (Video,35m) on 1st Amendment (specifically Freedom Of Religion aspect): https://youtu.be/PPxnvtvixUI
EVERY Black Life Matters...
EVERY Black Life Matters? FLAWED LOGIC examines and comments on Larry Elder discussion and the FACTS vs #BlackLyingMarxists group LIES and FALSE NARRATIVES... (WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE)
(featuring Topher and The Marine Rapper - US Troops tribute)
GOP values:
September 11, 2021 - Jackson Michigan
Republican values - OAK Conference (Audios, mp3's):
OAK conference - Lincoln Address - Jason Von Mueller
OAK conference - Young Conservatives (JIP) - Jack Harrison
OAK conference - Avoiding the TIpping Point - Rod Anderson
OAK conference - Modern Federalism vs Originalist Federalists - Joseph Lenard
(related: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/federalism-modern-federalism-vs-originalist-federalists (includes written, audio, and video, elements))
OAK conference - Religious Founding of America - Kristina Karamo
OAK conference - Critical Race Theory - Capone and Hermes
more on OAK Conference 2021 - see:
Other (various topics) Audio files (not from or related to OAK Conference):
Most importantly MI REDISTRICTING:
AUDIO: Some people prefer VERBALIZATION over READING and WRITING therefore I hope you'll engage in these AUDIO FILES - collection of WAAM Radio appearances (don't shoot, nor praise, the messanger) on wide variety of topics/issues (Christian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, in nature)........
[Dec. 2021 update: MIGOP 2022 Candidates for MIAG, MIGov, and MISOS, speeches also available...
see: https://www.12cdrc.org/news-xmas-2021-fellowship]
GOP values:
Republican values: Writings
MOBILE DEVICE USER NOTICE: This particular section (Forum topics/posts preview) of this page does not perform well on small smartphone screen devices... We sincerely hope you will come back at another time and visit this page while on a Chromebook, iPad, Laptop, Desktop, style device..
The LEFT will never, EVER, give up with their RaceBaiting FalseNarratives of calling us RACISTS... Do NOT let that stop you, in fact it should incense you to want to FIGHT BACK EVEN HARDER - see: https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2021/11/you-finally-awake-or-still-fake-woke-how-dare-those-racist-republicans-elect-so-many-black-and-latino-candidates-across-usa-in-redwave2021-2584783.html
ACT: Become a Delegate...