Read latest on MICRC shenanigans: MICD12GOP Forum: REDISTRICTING post (and updates in comments)
This is the MICD12GOP Site for/from 2013 to 2022 - Newly ReDistricted Sites to look for are NEW MICD06GOP and NEW MICD13GOP that the old 12th became - they should both have new Websites up soon as well as this Site MAY CONTINUE with/for the NEW MICD12GOP 2023-20XX (working with new Committee to coordinate).
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If you believe in the Constitution, Freedom, true Equal Justice (not Special/separate Rights), Due Process, Rule Of Law, and other Conservative Principles (the Government closest to the People, is the best; The States created the Federal Government, not vice-versa; the Federal Govt has far exceeded the intent of our Founders and the constraints of the Constitution), then we hope you’ll join us for any number of our related to these "values" and on Events Calendar.
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Vaccines Choice Rally held in MICD12
Can Republicans Rock? or Rap? YES WE CAN/DO!
. see: http://tinyurl.com/GOPValuesInMusic
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FINAL (voted by) MICRC Maps released: MICD12GOP Forum: REDISTRICTING post (and updates in comments)
Be forewarned. If you get involved with this, DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING ABOUT IT ON YOUR APPLICATION to become a POLL INSPECTOR, do NOT even talk about it on your social media platform posts (they may well review your Accounts). They will likely flag you to NOT BE HIRED! And, these are PAID POSITIONS, and they CAN AND WILL BE PICKY about who they hire! They do not want any THINKING PEOPLE with outside training about watching for FRAUD!
full 12th Congressional District: http://12cdrc.org/contact
Washtenaw County: https://wash-gop.com/contact
Wayne County: email: Wayne12thChairman@gmail.com
Looking to Contact Legislators? State of Michigan listings
(see too: http://12cdrc.org/clubs-kwik for KwikLetters App)
TAKE ACTION: BECOME A DELEGATE and BECOME A POLL INSPECTOR/WORKER (details and applications - click here)
If you are in #MICHIGAN, or no anyone in MI have them, please listen to ART (WAAM) from Sat 10/22 that Joseph M Lenard (MICD12GOP Webmaster) was on the first half talking about why MUST VOTE NO ON ALL 3 BALLOT INITIATIVES (#3 gets all the oxygen it seems, but 1 and 2 also bad):
listen at: https://anchor.fm/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-10-22-2022-e1pkjtg/a-a8nvelj
Give us a Review on Google... https://g.page/r/CTchq57zrzqmEAI/review
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Read latest on MICRC shenanigans: MICD12GOP Forum: REDISTRICTING post (and updates in comments)
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