Yes the most basic tip and trick to use to get your post noticed and read is to use hashtags in your post.
Why? Because that is just the way of the internet these days. Search engines often scour and scrub items and will list said items if they have hashtags in them that are there for easily and readily identified as keywords that make any such posts relate to other posts, and want to list items that can and do easily relate to other searchable items and hashtag is the easiest most searchable item via a search engine or obviously on social media platforms.
You can embed hashtags as you go along, for example if your discussion is about #Michigan #politics and particularly #ElectionIntegrity you will want to identify those as keywords by making them #hashtags and you can do so in the body of your text or save them and put a bunch of hashtags, say a dozen, at the very bottom of your post as some feel posts are more easily readable if not loaded up with hashtags in the body.
#Michigan #politics #ElectionIntegrity #voting #accountability #Constitution #VotingRightsAct