[Originally published May 2021 with updates [latest update Sep 2021]] [see too: MICD12GOP Constitution, Census, Apportionment, & MI Re-Districting 2021 (12cdrc.org)] Friends,
The #Michigan Citizens #Redistricting Commission (#MICRC) released their public comment portal today, giving people the opportunity to advocate for communities of interest but there is a BIG problem: the MICRC is only requiring name and email address to submit comment, propose maps, and comment on the map drawing process.
Anyone from anywhere can submit comments on communities of interest to the commission, regardless of whether they live in our state.
That means that coastal elite liberals will have the same say in drawing our lines that you, a Michigan citizen, have.
We cannot allow this.
Please email redistricting@michigan.gov right now and demand that every person who submits comment must disclose their full name and address so that the Commissioners and their staff know the people they’re taking suggestions from have the best interests of our great state in mind!
Sarah Anderson MIGOP External Affairs Director [ posted: Joseph M Lenard 12cdrc.org Webmaster more/related... MICD12GOP Blog: https://www.12cdrc.org/post/migop-release-about-redistricting MICD12GOP Blog: https://www.12cdrc.org/post/hr1-unconstitutionally-federalizing-all-elections (with comments, engage in the discussion) MICD12GOP Forum/Legislation/ https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/legislation/hr1-unconstitutionally-federalizing-all-elections (with comments, engage in the discussion) MICD12GOP Forum/General/ https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/general-other-discussions/are-you-ready-willing-to-be-involved-with-the-due-to-proposal-2-constitutional-amendment-redistricting-commission-redistricting-process (with comments, engage in the discussion) ] IMPORTANT REDISTRICTING AUDIO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjhhkbc1ocafvmy/WAAM-AbololitionistsRoundTable-Sat%20Jun%2012%202021-ReDistricting-edit.mp3?dl=0 [Sun May 9, 2021 update below from Stu Foster (MIGOP)] Stu Foster
Sent: Sunday, May 9, 2021, 11:34:41 PM EDT
Subject: Reminder - Michigan Redistricting Forums - Zoom link will be sent out tomorrow!!
Attention everyone!
First, there is no need to sign up again if you have already done so!
As many of you know, new political boundaries will be drawn for our #elections in 2022 by an Independent Redistricting Commission. This is a new process for all of us and it is important that we all get engaged.
As part of this process there will be a series of open forums throughout the coming months, all across the state. These forums will serve as a way for the public to make comments and suggestions to the commission regarding district lines for their area.
The first public forum is happening May 11th and will continue through the beginning of July.
We need our stakeholders to participate in these forums and I am asking you to get involved in this extremely important process. We need to make sure that the commission is hearing from all of us as they tackle the critically important task of drawing fair lines for our district.
I have created a google form for people to officially sign up to participate. You can do so by attending in person (our preferred course of action as the Commission will be giving speaking preference to those who are in attendance) or by written comment. There is a feature in the google form that will allow you to decide which option works best for you.
You can sign up for one of the following forums by clicking on the link below:
You do not have to live in the area to participate. In fact, fact we encourage this.
We will be holding informal zoom #meetings to discuss these forums on over the coming weeks and answer any questions you might have. Once you have signed up on the Google form, we will give you more details on the Zoom meeting (These zoom links we will be sent to you on the day of the trainings. You can also participate in multiple trainings.
#Training Schedule:
Monday, May 10th (8:00 pm):
Tuesday, May 18th (5:30 pm):
Monday, May 24th (8:00 pm):
Tuesday, June 1st (5:30 pm):
Tuesday, June 15th (5:30 pm):
This process is extremely important and are the only way we can have an impact is by showing up and making sure our voices are heard, so I implore you to sign up!
Thank you so much,
Stuart Foster

================= SAT SEP 18 UPDATE ==================
first look at what SEMi area Districts will look like (from: https://michigan.mydistricting.com/legdistricting/comments/plan/128/23). ALL DISTRICT NUMBERS WILL BE COMPLETELY REWRITTEN as they use (ridiculously) DETROIT as their starting point for everything (why NOT LANSING? after all, it's the Capitol of Michigan) which tells you a lot about the MICRC (MIchigan Redistricting Commission) thought process and focus on Minority Majority Districts as their PRINCIPLE "COMMUNITY OF INTEREST" concerns despite such being UNCONSTITUTIONAL violation of EQUAL PROTECTIONS clause.

============= MON SEP 20 UPDATE (FROM MIGOP) ============ [from S.Foster, MIGOP, via email] Attention everyone!
I truly appreciate all your help so far as the redistricting process is moving into its next phase. The preliminary maps are being drawn and there will be a second round of public hearings to let citizens voice their opinions.
While the first round of hearings were important, the next round is even more critical. We need every single person involved, whether it is submitting a public comment, attending via zoom, or in person. In person commentary is critical, so please make every effort to attend a meeting. All you have to do is look at the proposed maps to understand how vital these upcoming hearings are
The first public forum is happening on Monday, October 11th and will continue through October 28th. I have created a google form for people to officially sign up to participate. Once you sign up, we will send you a link to participate in an upcoming training.
You can participate by attending in person (our preferred course of action as the Commission will be giving speaking preference to those who are in attendance) and/or by written comment. There is a feature in the google form that will allow you to decide which option works best for you. Again, in person commentary is critical. We ask that you follow up your in-person comments by submitting your comments in writing via the portal. You can sign up for one of the following forums by clicking on the link below:
*Please note that this form is only letting us know which hearing you would like to participate in. You still need to register for your desired forum.
You do not have to live in the area to participate. You can attend any meeting and comment on any area. We will be holding informal zoom trainings to discuss these hearings over the coming weeks and will be able to answer any questions you might have. Once you have signed up on the Google form, we will give you more details on the Zoom training (these zoom links we will be sent to you on the day of the trainings). You can also participate in multiple trainings.
I will remind you that these maps will be official for 10 years. I implore you to sign up! Thank you so much, Stuart Foster
Sarah Anderson External Affairs Director Michigan Republican Party