This post is taken directly from my web page at bobscottformichigangovernor.com posted on April 28th 2021
I have a vision for Michigan that Cherishes LIFE at all stages, from our youngest to our oldest. My vision will preserve our natural resources and enhance our ability to access them for their enjoyment and life giving quality. From our water ways and lakes to our wild game. It will restore our business and economic base while making your life better by making it easier to earn a living. We will make our infrastructure some of the best in the nation so that travel for work and pleasure isn’t the problem it’s been in the past. Our policies will put the criminals on notice to either clean up their act, move out, or go to jail!!! Michigan will no longer be known as a human and drug trafficking state. WE will make that a thing of the past.
My vision for Michigan will focus on lifting every citizen of this state to the highest level possible by restoring their dignity and access to the services they need. No longer will our veterans suffer while other classes of people are favored over them, or instead of them. My administration and I will work to make sure ALL of our rights are preserved and enhanced so they cannot ever be infringed upon again. We will abide by the Constitutions of the United States of America, and of the Great State of Michigan. Our right to gather and worship will never again be attacked by the government!
I know we can do all of this and reduce our taxes for everyone! It doesn’t do any good to earn a better wage if it’s eaten up by taxes and wasted. WE will make government transparent and responsible to you, the citizens of this state. NO longer will one person make decisions that impact our ability to exercise our God given rights. Our elections will be secure and reliable. Our elected officials will no longer be self serving, WE need to be your servants. That includes the Governor and state Supreme Court Judges all the way down to the dog catcher of your county.
My vision for our state is to make it the best state possible, one you can be proud of. I have been on mission trips to Haiti in the past, and I have seen what education can do for a country. A good education is the only way out of poverty, both individually and corporately as a country. We will work to make our education system a benchmark for the rest of the country. We have some of the best colleges and universities in the country, but what good is that if our sons and daughters cannot attend them? We will work to make our primary and secondary schools the best in the land.
I do not believe in moving out of the state because it is not what we want or need. I believe we need to get involved so WE can make it better for everyone. I mean business, with God’s direction, and your help we will restore Michigan together!!!
Want to know more about me? Go to my web page and read "Meet Bob" I also have policies and much more there.
Bob Scott for Governor of the Great State of Michigan, Bringing Your Michigan Back to You.