This year, Michigan voters will have the opportunity to vote for 2 people for the Michigan Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the State's highest court, and has the final say over the interpretation of the Michigan Constitution and Michigan law. To understand its importance, it was the Michigan Supreme Court that struck down Governor Whitmer's COVID-19 shut down orders. It has 7 members.
Two incumbents are running for re-election. Justice Brian Zahra and Justice Richard Bernstein. Justice Zahra is strong rule of law Justice who has served ably on the Supreme Court and is its longest serving member. Justice Bernstein is running for re-election for the first time.
Each party nominates 2 Justices to run on the general ballot. Justice Zahra will be nominated at the Republican Convention and Justice Bernstein will be nominated by the Democrats. Each party will nominate a second candidate to run with its respective incumbent. (At the time of the election, the party designation disappears, but incumbents are designated.)
Democrat nominated Justices currently hold a 4-3 majority of the Supreme Court, which means this is a pivotal year. If Justice Bernstein is defeated, the majority would switch back to the Republican nominated Justices. If Justice Zahra loses, the Democrat nominated Justices would hold a commanding 5-2 position.
The Republican Party will be holding an Endorsement Convention on April 23, 2022. Whoever is nominated at the April Convention will be on the general election ballot in November. (There is an August Convention, but that is a mere formality).
Full disclosure, I am running to be Justice Zahra's running mate. I hope to have your support. This is why:
JUDGE MICHAEL WARREN for Supreme Court Justice
Oakland County Circuit Court, 19 years - appointed by Governor John Engler
More trial experience than entire Supreme Court combined (5 of the Justices have NO judicial trial experience)
350+ Jury Trials
Appointed by the Supreme Court to the Michigan Business Court; experience in Criminal, General Civil, and Family Court dockets
Judge of the Decade and Hall of Fame Member - International Association of Top Professionals
Distinguished Public Servant Award (Oakland County Bar Association), Great Influence Award (Women’s Bar Association), Proclamation of Honor (Oakland County Board of Commissioners), and other awards
Sponsor & Pilot e-filing and paperless courtroom
Creator, Reset Pilot Program for probationers
Supreme Court Committee on Civil Jury Instructions
Court Rule & Contempt of Court Statutory Revisions, originator
Executive Committee Member, Michigan Judges Association
Constitutional Law Professor, Western Michigan Cooley Law School
Michigan Constitutional Law & Contempt of Court, author of law review articles and Institute for Continuing Legal Education
Patriot Week, co-founder (with my then 10 year old daughter) - Patriot Week renews America’s spirit by deepening the appreciation of the First Principles, Founding Fathers and other Patriots, vital documents and speeches, and flags that make America the greatest nation in world history (
America’s Survival Guide, How to Stop America’s Impending Suicide by Reclaiming our First Principles & History, author (, author
Patriot Lessons: American History & Civics Podcast and Patriot Lessons TV Show, creator, author & host
Americanism Award (Daughters of the American Revolution) and Patriot Citizen Award (Joshua’s Trail)
Precinct Delegate Candidate, State Senate
Member, State Board of Education
Federalist Society Member beginning at University of Michigan Law School since 1989 and founding member, Michigan Lawyers Chapter
Hundreds of speeches, articles, and videos on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, American History, etc.
Strong, dedicated, and consistent rule of law jurist