[originally published at BeforeItsNews (https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2021/09/michigan-why-i-oppose-as-a-conservative-not-wanting-to-concede-more-ground-to-big-govt-the-current-unlock-michigan-2-petition-3599629.html) on: Sep 23 2021 - updated: Sat Nov 6 2021. See original Article for related attached images (until the Article is moved to B4IN Archives after 1 year's time (and images are removed by B4IN to save Server space of/on/with older Articles), Videos, and active sub-links.]
It is NOT just important to Read and KNOW the #USConstitution, but OUR OWN #STATE (#MICHIGAN) #CONSTITUTION (Do you have a copy of it? Have you Read the State Constitution?)!
THIS PETITION should be scraped and an almost exact duplicate could/should be reconstituted ONLY if it adds the following language regarding the TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS PERIOD ---- Can/may institute for 5 days AND ONLY extended to TWENTY-EIGHT DAY PERIOD, and/or renewed up to another 28 day cycle/period, with 2/3 approval of MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (#MIHouse)!!!!
THAT would indeed protect a REAL EMERGENCY SITUATION and LIMIT BOTH GOVERNOR AND DEEP STATE POWER HUNGRY FASCICRATS from abusing even a/this NEW STATUTE! Until then, I REMAIN OPPOSED to ULM2 Petition Drive (where-as I was 100% on-board with the original (Repeal 45 Act) ULM Petition drive!!
AGAIN: THAT would indeed protect a REAL EMERGENCY SITUATION and LIMIT BOTH GOVERNOR AND DEEP STATE POWER HUNGRY FASCICRATS from abusing even a/this NEW STATUTE! Until then, I REMAIN OPPOSED to ULM2 Petition Drive (where-as I was 100% on-board with the original (Repeal 45 Act) ULM Petition drive!!
Sadly there are some GOOD INTENTIONED PEOPLE wanting to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, even if it is the WRONG THING (does opposite of LIMITING SOMETHING but instead CONCEDES GROUND TO FASCICRATS)... Just like the #HeartbeatCoalition Petition MAY HAVE BEEN SOUND for other States, but actually would have WEAKENED MICHIGAN PROLIFE LAWS! Glad that FAILED, and this one must TOO!!! The ULM original Petition (repeal 45 Act) was SOUND, THIS ONE IS NOT!
[SAT NOV 6 2021 UPDATE....As discussed with David Kallman (Great Lakes Justice Center, Michigan) on WAAM Radio "Moment Of Clarity" Show today.]
Just cuz Person "A" supports something, is NO REASON that you should or should not!
Likewise, just cuz Person "B" opposes something, is NO REASON that you should or should not!
And important to Note - THAT INCLUDES ME! Take in what I say, TRUST BUT VERIFY (as Reagan said), and do your own Research to confirm or deny what I am telling you is FACTUAL (which you WILL find is), but again/regardless YOU need to do your own Research AND NOT EVEN JUST TAKE MY (nor especially anyone elses) WORD FOR IT!
BE PRINCIPLED - ALWAYS! The Issue is THE ISSUE and each one Judged on due diligence OF YOUR OWN RESEARCH and making YOUR OWN CONCLUSION! PERIOD!
It is about ACTUAL TEXT of BILLS/PETITION and NOT THE SPIN they are peddling you!
Dig below the RHETORIC and TALKING POINTS they use to peddle whatever (READ THE BILL)!!!
Worth repeating over and over: Be about PRINCIPLES and VALUES and NOT PERSONALITIES!
Michigan: Why I oppose, as a Conservative not wanting to concede more ground to Big Govt (DEEP STATE actors), the current UnLock Michigan 2 petition...
FIRST AND FOREMOST, we need to have Political Activists swear to first: DO NO HARM! Will you take the Pledge?!?!
Below is a conversation on/from MeWe... [NOTE: Sun Sep 26 2021 Update, VLOG on this subject added near bottom of article] ORIGINAL POST (which itself is MOSTLY a cut/paste (big chuncks of it) from an email to friend and former WAAM Radio host Janice Daniels (aka: The Mayor)): [original article post: Thu Sep 23 2021 - last update: Sat Oct 30 2021 14:30 companion piece: https://beforeitsnews.com/religion/2021/10/all-that-is-required-for-evil-to-prevail-is-for-good-peoples-to-do-nothing-2561245.html other related Michigan items (for 2022 Elections)... https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/campaigns-and-candidates/we-have-several-great-options-for-migov-in-for-2022 and https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/campaigns-and-candidates/wide-open-migop-migov-2022-primary-both-good-and-bad] If/when going into Battle one wants people in the ranks that know how to properly use their weapons, not folks that will just haphazardly and wildly fire indiscriminantly that could then land up shooting you in the back just as likely, or maybe even more likely, than hitting the Enemy target(s)... You do not just get to get out of Bed, even if you are staying at a Holiday Inn Express (as the Joke goes) and declare yourself A MARKSMAN even though you never, ever, held a Gun in your Hand in your Life. But, hey, just cuz you got a 2nd Amendment Right and you decided to go Buy a Gun DOES NOT MEAN YOU BECOME AUTOMATICALLY A MARKSMAN and you need to LEARN PROPER GUN HANDLING AND OPERATION so you do NOT shoot yourself in the Foot or are DANGEROUS to not only yourself but THOSE YOU CLAIM YOU WANT TO PROTECT. Sadly, some will NOT get that analogy as it needs to apply to ENGAGING IN POLITICS (one has to take careful aim at the RIGHT TARGETS, not just wildly blast in every direction at anything and everything that moves! KNOW before you pull the Trigger!! As the saying goes: "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
Before I make this next statement, it is important that I preface it with this statement: THE RINOs IN LANSING ARE PATHETIC AND THEIR EXCUSES THAT WHITLER IS GOVERNOR AND WILL NOT SIGN ANY GOOD BILLS THEY WOULD CREATE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO JUST DO NOTHING (on this issue, on the Election Integrity issue, and on and on and on with issue after issue) and we have a whole lot of RINOs need be replaced in Lansing as well as FASCICRATS!!! BUT/HOWEVER... Sometimes, just sometimes, on a rare occasion, the #RINOs in Lansing #Michigan (#MILeg) actually do KNOW BETTER (We all know the oft told and oft correct analogy THAT EVEN A STOPPED ANALOG CLOCK IS RIGHT TWICE A DAY (Even a RINO is bound to be, if even only accidentally, Right maybe TWICE IN THEIR LIFE and this is one of those times and even my Democrat Relatives accidentally get something right on occassion and they are all SILENT on this Petition which should also tell you something as they see it as a WIN for them either way if Republicans CONCEDE MI RULING ELITES DO HAVE LOCKDOWN AUTHORITY just haggling about if there should be time-limits on it (and supporting this, is conceding that)))! And if this statement upsets you, you need to go back to the Top and re-read the part about THE ISSUE IS THE ISSUE AND NEED BE JUDGED BASED UPON ITS OWN MERITS - PRINCIPLES, NOT PERSONALITIES. [and spare me the: I must be a RINO myself or I'm being a RINO apologist manure, I have MANY articles calling out CINOs / RINOs - just one: https://beforeitsnews.com/republican/2021/09/the-rinos-in-lansing-michigan-are-only-delaying-the-inevitable-there-is-a-conservative-wave-coming-to-wash-them-away-2444972.html my Article listings (http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles) is FULL OF ANTI-RINO CONTENT] ONCE you wake up and actually READ THE ACTUAL TEXT, NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE SPIN ON IT - YOU would call YOU a RINO for supporting this! We call RINOs that, often cuz they act like Democrats and actually EXPAND GOVERNMENT - expressly in contrast to the Party SMALL GOVERNMENT, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, Platform. And THIS PROPOSAL is one that CONCEDES, ney, ACTUALLY CREATES an Authority to/for Lansing DEEP STATE ACTORS that it does NOT already have and one that I/you/WE have been complaining about. Let me give another analogy if the Gun one didn't sink in.... I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE ONCE DAILY FOR 365 DAYS STRAIGHT!!! If you're response is: Well... Wait.... Let's "compromise" and I'll give you permission to Punch me in the Face but for ONLY 28 DAYS..... Is this sinking in yet??? WRONG RESPONSE! That is then conceding me the RIGHT to PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE (though limited) WHEN I HAVE NO SUCH RIGHT TO DO IT EVEN ONE TIME!! It cannot be explained any simplier than that, that is EXACTLY THE CONCESSION YOU ARE GIVING THE DEEP STATE WITH THIS BAD PROPOSAL... Again, if your response is to GIVE/CONCEDE GROUND and ensconse in Law MORE (ANY, NOT 28 SECONDS MORE, LET ALONE 28 DAYS) GOVT POWER THEY DO NOT YET HAVE IN LAW OR UNDER THE CONSTITUTION just for the sake of claiming some form of Victory, you are woefully mistaken about the whole LIMITED GOVERNMENT and being a CONSERVATIVE/CONSTITUTIONALIST concepts are supposed to work (or perhaps you really/secretly are PRO being punched in the face). This is something even the RINOs, who usually like helping #FASCICRATS grow Govt and empower the #DEEPSTATE, rightly REJECT!
Sadly a lot of people involved with the many new Groups that are popping up all over (GREAT, I welcome Folks finally willing to get off the Couch and join the Fight, but just cuz you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night (again, as the Joke goes) understand IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN THINGS and we are not all EXPERTS just cuz we decide to finally PAY ATTENTION, and) are (SOMETIMES) dangerous newcomers (at a time I am not only welcoming of newcomers* to become Delegates (see related: http://tinyurl.com/RecuritConservatives) but as you can see encouraging of newcomers; but, again, they are "sometimes" counter-productive, because of knee-jerk emotional reactions over long-term strategic logic/reasoned responses) with GOOD INTENTIONS but Politically unsophisticated and UNWILLING TO LEARN how they are actually USEFUL IDIOTS and PAWNS helping BIGGER GOVERNMENT and/or THE LEFT (or at times the Left's RINO Big Govt allies (see realted: http://tinyurl.com/MiConservativeWave) who also want and thrive on Big Govt expansion) like many currently are IN REGARD TO THIS PARTICULAR PROPOSAL. [* quick interruption for a note: https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate (aka: http://tinyurl.com/JoinUsAndFightRINOs)]
Just like you helped shoot down the Katherine Henry (RFM) FARCE (Shows attached below) that conceded ground to BIGGER GOVT the new Unlock Michigan 2 one does the same, as we discussed at the LATP meeting (the ULM 1st one, was great, that does not automatically make this one good also - EACH ACCORDING TO OWN MERITS).
I just had a ZOOM CALL with CFFS (Citizens For Free Speech) and tried explaining sometimes doing something is WORSE than doing nothing at all. Just like too with the HEARTBEAT COALITION petitions in MI (that also thankfully FAILED that would have WEAKEND Michigan existing ANTI ABORTION LAWS for when ROE gets over-turned). Heartbeat Bills MADE SENSE in SOME "OTHER" STATES but as the saying goes if someone jumps off a Bridge (unless you're wearing a Bungy-cord (LOL)) does it make sense to just AUTOMATICALLY UNTHINKINGLY FOLLOW?!?!
Sadly, "SOME" (not all newcomer) Folks FAIL TO RECOGNIZE that while something passed in another State may be SOUND STRATEGICALLY IN THAT OTHER STATE IT IS NOT A SMART PATH/STRATEGY TO DO SO IN MICHIGAN cuz it actually sets BACK a cause, not help it. As was case with HB and RFM before and this NEW UnLock Mi 2 initiative now.
SOME (not all) Folks on the Call FAILED TO GRASP the simple analogy that I DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE ANY TIMES... BUT THEIR RESPONSE TO MY ANNOUNCING I AM GOING TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE 365 DAYS IN A ROW IS TO CIRCULATE A PETITION LIMITING ME TO PUNCHING THEM IN THE FACE ONLY 28 DAYS IN A ROW INSTEAD OF THE 365 DAYS --- WHEN I HAVE ZERO AUTHORITY TO PUNCH THEM ANY DAYS!! And that the REAL COURSE OF ACTION is to unseat Judges that GIVE ME IMPROPER AUTHORITY TO PUNCH THEM ANY DAYS! That Activist Judges drag out the process and refuse to uphold existing Laws and/or the Constitution allowing Government over-reach, and that removing them from Office is THE PROPER CAUSE OF ACTION not COMPROMISING WITH BIG GOVT GROWTH. Which now includes Justice Viviano who gave Whitler the work-around suggestion and willingness to hint that HE would go along with such Govt over-reach in the name of EMERGENCY POWERS that still do not exist after ONE proper ruling about her over-reach beyond the 1945 ACT that needed (and was a GOOD PETITION DRIVE) to be repealed.
Their response, well a Petition will be easier than replacing Judges. In other words, THEY DO NOT CARE THEY ARE ACTUALLY HELPING WHITLER they just want to be on record as DOING SOMETHING - the wrong thing, but SOMETHING!
I just had to vent my frustration, knowing you (as this was/is part of email being cut/paste here that I sent to Janice Daniels (and if you do not know who that is (former Mayor, lied upon ceasely by the Left to get her ousted), clearly indicates you have not come up to speed yet on the area Politics you are now seeking to engage in) are one of the FEW PEOPLE actually GET IT!
I wish you still had your show to help shoot this down like you did the Henry nonsense and Phil/Bruce (with ART's ANTI ABORTION focus) did the BAD (FOR MI, not some other States') HEARTBEAT LAW PETITION when those were being circulated.
Seems we need to get folks to swear to a Politics hypocratic oath FIRST DO NO HARM just cuz you're hyped up and anxious for GOOD THINGS to happen (be sure it is GOOD, not actually HARMFUL, before proceeding)!
See too: https://beforeitsnews.com/tea-party/2019/06/michgan-heartbeat-coalition-new-prolife-law-sounds-good-but-here-in-mi-we-already-have-stronger-law-waiting-to-be-enforced-once-roevwade-over-turned-best-strategy-do-nothing-wait-2626062.html and: http://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy more: http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
as well as: http://tinyurl.com/RedPillViaAudioClips throwback... Remember "The Road to HELL paved with good intentions and LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES - WHY PROLIFE PEOPLE CANNOT SUPPORT THE RFM PETITION..... Janice (show attached) buried the lead on the RESTORE FREEDOM MI (RFM) petition. The BODILY INTEGRITY (aka: MY BODY MY CHOICE where do we always hear that?) part of the HealthCareRights section meant to appease Vaccination CHOICE will be twisted (unwritten law of unintended consequences (laws are OFTEN twisted and distorted from original intent)) to enshrine ABORTION "CHOICE" (My Body my CHOICE dodge to hide terminating another life/body) into MI Constitution (which would then take precedence when RVW (under #14A) over-turned eventually)! PROLIFE people cannot support the Petition on that alone (among so many other concerns/issues)! You wonder why they tout "BIPARTISAN" support, the Democrats support it for this alone (our priority is Life, the Left's 1st priority is enshrining Abortion BODILY INTEGRITY Rights forever they don't care about anything else in the Petition)! [Remember, I said, TRUST BUT VERIFY, revisit the Katherine Henry issue, via the Audio files (copies of Janice's Shows) below) and actually then decide after having all the FACTS whether you were indeed on the right side of that Petition Drive or not (and, again, Thankfully her Petition Drive that would have added countless new language (taking an AX) to the Constitution rather than take a SCALPEL (which is what you use for Surgery, NOT AN AX) and make only needed CUTS out of existing Laws).]
MORE/FURTHER: RESTORE FREEDOM MI (RFM) petition AUDIOs RFM discussed part 1: https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-June-27-2020-eg1hak/a-a2iu0tf RFM discussed part 2 (Sat 7/4): https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-July-4th-2020-egacas/a-a2kfr1m RFM discussed part 3 (w/ Special Guest Katherine Henry (2nd half of Show): https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-July-11-2020-egkofc/a-a2makqc more via my FB feed: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158092970964279&set=a.10153114493479279&type=3&tn=-R (which I think is now CENSORED by Fascistbook)
The best solution is always the simple one. Direct repeal of the 1945 law (which is why I whole heartidly support/endorse UNLOCK MI Petition initiative (their FIRST Petition Drive, separate from the new ULM2) ending the conflict in/of laws Whitler exploits. NOT several pages and thousands more words cluttering the Constitution (which is only one generic reason why I oppose RFM initiative (like bashing your Wall with a SledgeHammer to kill a gnat (Lawyers/Politicians always love to complicate bad law with more bad law)))! MORE: new Petition (GOOD PETITION DRIVE) to just repeal the 1945 Act she is abusing: https://www.facebook.com/groups/standupmich/permalink/287908085882427/ (temporarily offline, #FascistBook is currently blocking the group (it is under appeal))
< MeWe Friend >: Thanks for your opinion and for explaining it.
MY RESPONSE: No problem , glad you saw it in the spirit intended... I hope I didn't go over-board wasn't a bit too ROUGH (it's about TOUGH LOVE sometimes) We ALL (including me) can miss things at times (and to be sure, I bounced it off others first (including Janice)) and (AGAIN) I think some very WELL INTENTIONED FOLKS are just missing some things in the desire to be help! BUT we have to be careful we are NOT accidentally setting ourselves backwards trying to move forward.
< MeWe Friend >: I appreciate this insight as I have struggled to decide what do with the petitions I have in hand. My question is that while what you say makes sense, isn't taking some of the air out if their sails a good thing? Obviously they have been abusing laws all along. And most of us (as they would know) have little understanding of laws. We take them at face value and call it good. But then there are clauses and addendums etc. It's just too much for the average person to absorb. The whole system needs to be rebuilt. But how do we do something for the here and now? I just feel like there is no good path, no one way to undo this.
MY RESPONSE: Thanks for your response , and I don't want to come across HARSH again while I'm intending TOUGH LOVE and TIME TO GO ON OFFENSIVE STOP BEING ON DEFENSIVE (and I know people are misunderstanding and IMO misguided thinking these Petitions are somehow OFFENSE rather than the SELLOUT that it is....
How does giving Govt AUTHORITY and PERMISSION in ANY CONTEXT taking air out of their Balloon??? I don't get how SURRENDERING THEM AUTHORITY is in any way a Win for us?!?!? How does CEDING POWER, when and where it doesn't exist, anything but a WIN FOR RINOs and FASCICRATS and GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT and then they will take the INCH AND TAKE THE MILE! They will have more wiggle room to delay things in the Courts when they IGNORE THE 28 DAYS! You, WE, are NOT right back in the same Boat we are in a Boat with HOLES WE POKED INTO IT OURSELVES!!!! They then have 28 days free, THEN still get to rely on their ACTIVIST JUDGES to drag it out far beyond that IF WE FAIL TO DEAL IN THE ROOT CAUSE OF OUR PROBLEMS!!!!
STOP CEDING THEM MORE GROUND!!! ----- MORE: Mon Sep 28 2021, conversation continued after I posted about this on STAND UP MICHIGAN site... Someone responded..... Interesting comment on the UL 2 petition. I hear what you are saying in regard to giving the government ANY authority to lock us down, even for 28 days because of judges who will circumvent it even if it's 2 days. That's not freedom, is it? Would you propose a petition to take away the health departments 28 days to deal with an emergency? Beside voting in Judges who will uphold the Constitution; it seem also important to have the same in the Legislature. In this petition, the health department cannot extend beyond 28 days unless they get approval from the Legislature. I can see where do nothing legislators could allow this to go on infinitum as we've already experienced. Good point.
MY RESPONSE to her....
For those that want the whole and detailed answer(s).... not the Twitter attention span style response (which I hope is not anyone here only able to deal in short sound-bites).... read on.....
Unelected DEEP STATE power tripping Personnel should NOT have any authority to DECLARE EMERGENCIES (in this context, OSHA localized authority is over-used likely at times too but different) but ONLY ability to make recommendations to Governor or to the Legislature, depending on existing authorities/powers (or those we can, could, should, want to rework) to Declare said Emergencies! We should be looking at methods to DECLAW THE DEEP STATE (as well as Power tripping Fascicrats that hoodwink there way into Elected Office by buying Democrat Voters Votes (more in the cart, than pulling the cart - as the saying goes: those who Vote (for hand-outs) for a Living vs those who actually Work for a Living and Pay the Taxes for all the handouts)) not ways that enshrine more Powers/Authority to these bad-faith bad-actors in the Deep State -- often life-long Govt Worker Fascicrats (as it is mostly those "types" that get into Govt in the first place (that and to have cushy Govt paychecks protected by SEIU or other Unions when they should be Fired)).
Govt keeps growing, especially in ever increasing exponential fashion it seems from the 1930's up, with more and more power, control, authority, embued into unelected, seemingly NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE for damage they due and Jobs/Lives they destroy, DEEP STATE actors hands (a goal of Fascicrats since FDR, so that even when they are not in control of Governorships, Legislatures, the White House, Congress, LEFT WING CONTROL REMAINS (and as we saw the DEEP STATE resistance especially during Trump on the National level (ensuring survival and protection of THE SWAMP (themselves))).
We must STOP the Ship from going further headlong at full speed toward the Iceburg, before we'll ever get it turned around and headed back the other direction.We need a Gov and a POTUS that will put Dept heads in place that will DRAIN THE SWAMP. Start Firing people, reducing staff, cutting Budgets, etc... As we all know LIBERAL ACTIVIST JUDGES will help the Unions protect these LEECHES. How many times do we hear empty promises of at least eliminating REDUNDANCY OF EFFORTS/MONIES (duplicative or over-lapping authorities) that that never even happens (RINO Rick Snyder most recent, but not to be the last, to promise such)! Remember when Rick Perry ran for POTUS, famously forgot his 3 things, but one was TO CUT THE DEPT OF ENERGY and then, of course, Trump appointed him to Head DOE and he didn't shave one-dime from it's Budget, did not reduce staff by 1 person, just as all RINOs tell us we're supposed to be Happy with growing Govt at a slightly slower/smaller rate than the Fascicrats do! But, don't get me wrong, creating another Party rather than working within the GOP to get better people would just help Fascicrats obtain and hold more power (and Trump agrees, he remains Republican (tried to scuttle talk of new Patriot Party formation at CPAC2021) and fighting to remove RINOs and folks with #TDS), but that is of course a whole other long rabbit-hole to go down, and if you follow me on Social Media seen I deal with over and over (PEOPLE MUST BE A GOP DELEGATE, as I am almost positive I've delved into here on SLACK too (tinyurl.com/JoinUsAndFightRINOs) to bring the GOP back to the RIGHT from it's overton-window style lurch leftward)!
NOTE: I am NOT saying that 100% of all Govt Workers are self-serving, but a large majority of them are. Deep State people never want to FIX anything, cuz then there would be no need for them to still be employed. They are interested in perpetuating things, growing their Budgets and with them their Salaries, their never-ending gravy-train.
----------------------------------------- IMPORTANT RELATED UPDATE -----------------------------------------
[NOTE: Sun Sep 26 2021 Update, VLOG on the ULM2 and more subject further down article]
related written items: http://tinyurl.com/AmIARINO (don't let Title throw you, it will make sense WHEN (and you need to) READ IT! http://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives http://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy http://tinyurl.com/RedPillViaAudioClips https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate (aka: http://tinyurl.com/JoinUsAndFightRINOs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An aside, I mentioned Janice's former Show, was Sat's 1-2p on WAAM, Ypsi Ed now has that time-slot and a great Show to listen to also. I also mentioned ABOLITIONISTS ROUNDTABLE (ART) above. Here are some Shows you should tune in for on weekends (can listen over the internet or on your Smart Phone via TUNE-IN RADIO).... LIVE Conservative TalkRadio Sat /Sun #WAAM1600Talk LISTEN LIVE: http://www.mainstreamnetwork.com/listen/player.asp?station=waam-am&listen=Listen+Live Sa 9a #AbolitionistsRoundTable (ART Archives https://anchor.fm/phil-stargell/) Sa 1p #AmericanHeritage (YAH Archives http://tinyurl.com/YAHArchives) Sa 2p #MomentOfClarity (MOC Archives http://tinyurl.com/MOCArchives) Su 5a #BourbonOnTheRocks (BOTR Archives https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-bourbon-on-the-rocks-ftr-r-30973525/) Su Noon #Intersection Su 2p #OperationFreedom (Dr. Dave Janda) Su 6p #ThisWeekInLansing LISTEN LIVE: http://www.mainstreamnetwork.com/listen/player.asp?station=waam-am&listen=Listen+Live All Janice's former Show archives: https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels and some great WAAM Show content, various Shows, various Hosts, at: http://tinyurl.com/RedPillViaAudioClips
-------------------------- SUN SEP 26 2021 UPDATE ------------------------------------ [NOTE: Sun Sep 26 2021 Update, VLOG on the ULM2 and more subject... here...]
https://youtu.be/zZdOj5oUuuc (10m #vlog) https://rumble.com/vmzrij-we-need-a-hippocratic-oath-conservatives-take-to-first-do-no-harm.html
We need a Hippocratic Oath CONSERVATIVES take to FIRST DO NO HARM!! Sadly, Emotionally Hysterical unlogical non-thinking know-nothing SNOWFLAKES are NOT just limited to the Left!
YOU/WE cannot just run around with our HAIR ON FIRE (like Chickens with our Heads cut off running about) shooting AIMLESSLY into the air but taking CAREFUL AIM at the RIGHT TARGETS!!!
We must Educate some of our supposed Allies that are actually MAKING MATTERS WORSE, like I give examples of in this Video.
Know Nothing #Snowflakes, on both the #Right (#CINO's / #RINO's) and the #Left (#FASCICRATS) We must Educate...
related items: http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles (this article) https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2021/09/michigan-why-i-oppose-as-a-conservative-not-wanting-to-concede-more-ground-to-big-govt-the-current-unlock-michigan-2-petition-3599629.html https://beforeitsnews.com/republican/2021/09/the-rinos-in-lansing-michigan-are-only-delaying-the-inevitable-there-is-a-conservative-wave-coming-to-wash-them-away-2444972.html https://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news/2021/08/q-are-we-doomed-no-2chronicles714-says-to-pray-but-we-have-free-will-and-must-also-take-actions-as-a-citizen-under-romans-2600921.html https://beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2021/08/yes-some-are-still-reachable-to-red-pill-but-one-has-to-be-strategic-about-it-2518847.html
http://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
semi-related... VAXER CHOICE RALLY DOWNRIVER... https://beforeitsnews.com/healthcare/2021/07/vaxer-choice-rally-held-sat-jul-17-2021-10-2p-in-michigan-in-support-of-henryfordsystem-nurses-2539929.html LASTLY, an aside to this issue specifically to VOTING AND BEING INVOLVED IN POLITICS IN GENERAL...
If your response to the known #VoterFraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022, THEN YOU ARE A #MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if #MORONS won't #GOTV, they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID Let's just pretend that 160M people did vote in last Election, there are 330Mish #USCitizens in USA (but, yes, of course, not all are of age to Vote)... It is reported that between 50-60% OF ALL CHRISTIANS (who are mostly Conservative Constitutionalists, except FAKE CHRISTIANS like Biden, Pelosi, et al (related: http://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords)) are STILL NOT VOTING! There are PLENTY of Folks that HAVE NOT GOT OFF THEIR ASSES YET and are still part of the Problem. more.... Q: Are we doomed? NO, 2Chronicles714 says to Pray, but we have FREE WILL and must also take actions as a Citizen under Romans... https://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news/2021/08/q-are-we-doomed-no-2chronicles714-says-to-pray-but-we-have-free-will-and-must-also-take-actions-as-a-citizen-under-romans-2600921.html As the RUSH tune says: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice ---- or, let me add: allowed one to be FORCED UPON YOU! STOP THE STUPID, GET OFF YOUR ASSES - NOT ONLY JUST VOTE, BUT BE ACTUALLY POLITICALLY ACTIVE 365 days/year, EVERY YEAR (not just Election years) OR THE FASCICRATS AND RINOs WILL ALWAYS HAVE THEIR WAY!!!STOP THE STUPID, GET OFF YOUR ASSES! YOU, if YOU are already involved, MUST BECOME EVEN MORE INVOLVED. YOU must BE A DELEGATE, REGST OTHER CONSERVATIVES TO VOTE AND BE PREPARED TO ENCOURAGE THEM AND EVEN HELP OFFER TO DRIVE THEM TO POLLS ON ELECTION DAY OR POSSIBLY BE A POLL INSPECTOR YOURSELF (to prevent Fraud at the Polls, INSPECTOR NOT POLL CHALLENGER)! Applications/Forms at: https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
#SundayThoughts #SundayWisdom #SundayScriptures
All that is required for EVIL to prevail is for GOOD PEOPLES TO DO NOTHING!
(esp see 2Chronicles7:14, Pray, THEN BE PART OF THE CHANGE)