The overblown “Right Wing Extremist Terrorism” narrative…
[New book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: / /
and current events really make several sub-theme chapters there-in ever-more relevant
In an Article from “Prof Dr. Emeritus Rik Coolsaet, Thomas Renard” titled “What the Zeitgeist can Tell us About the Future of Terrorism” ( the Professor states:
“In the United States and across Europe, there is a broad recognition that right-wing extremism has become either the main terrorist threat, or at the very least a seriously growing concern. The racially motivated attack by an 18-year-old in May 2022 in Buffalo (NY), deliberately targeting African Americans and killing ten people before being arrested, was but the latest in a long series of lethal right-wing plots and attacks in the West. In parallel, a relative decline of jihadi activities in Western countries has been noted, resulting in a new balance of (perceived) terrorist threats.”
First, we have to dismiss the FALACY of the Right-wing vs Left-wing paradigm (rather, the falsehoods surrounding them as defined by the Left in order to distort facts/reality of the dichotomy)…
From Article titled “So WHAT IS #EUROPE WAITING FOR? This is YOUR BACKYARD (not ours) – DO SOMETHING! And how this was all invited by feckless Western (Biden mainly) Leadership…” (/war-and-conflict/2022/02/so-what-is-europe-waiting-for-this-is-your-backyard-not-ours-do-something-2474471.html) aka/shortcut: I (Joseph M Lenard) writes:
“…NEO-NAZI groups that exist/operate in America (and several Western Nations, and Lefty loon groups like to paint as RIGHT-WING (right is anarchy, complete government control (communism, fascism, socialism, and yes even an islamic theocracy calaphate, et al) are all LEFT WING) organization (see related: too….. Even in Germany where the NAZI PARTY IS OUTLAWED, there are likely still more NEO-NAZI’s than in Ukraine, is Putin planning to invade Germany under this ridiculous pretense that 0.0000000000001% of the population may be NAZI sympathizers…”

Now that we have dismissed the Historically inaccurate narratives those who wish to re-write History (including that the NAZI Party that had Socialists right in their name (NSocialistDAP), just as the Left today via Psychological Projection attempt to claim their opponents are FASCISTS, when they literally have Hitlerian Brown-Shirts engaging in the same actions/activities Hitler did against his opponents in Germany, here in the United States. Which can be backed up by direct comparison of facts not feelings. see related:
None of this is to say/claim – THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RIGHT-WING TERRORISM, as there is, just that it is an overblown Left-wing false-narrative to peddle a left-wing agenda.
I (Joseph M Lenard) more agree with The Washington Post piece titled: “Beware the data on American right-wing violence” ( too: by Megan McArdle which states:
“But just how big a problem is it? Bigger than other kinds of political violence? You might think the answer is clearly yes, but the data often cited to support this conclusion don’t say what most people think.”

see too related:
All of this, and much more, discussed in
Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!
Terror Strikes Book site:
Contact the Author:
Media inquiries: Joseph M Lenard 734-282-0643
Keywords: #Zeitgeist, #rightwing #extremism, #populism, #violent #extremism, #terror, #terrorism, #Terrorists, #TerrorStrikes