Another "LIMITED RULING" (this one, again, on #obaMAOcare (as I call it)) from the #SCOTUS...
Liberals/DUMBocrats, PLEASE spare us your ignorant rants again about #obaMAOcare was completely upheld and is #Constitutional... Please get a REAL #EDUCATION about #Civics and especially how #SCOTUS works.... The #SCOTUS hears SPECIFIC QUESTIONS (actually sub-questions) and returns NARROW RULINGS, not overall Hearings about the bigger/broader concepts/issues/question (except very rarely)...
FOR EXAMPLE: #RoeVWade... It was heard and determined on #PRIVACY ISSUES, NOT the issue of RIGHT OF #ABORTION that the Left try to insist it was/is, that lower Activist Courts turned it into, that will be over-turned eventually WHEN finally heard on #CONSTITUTIONAL precepts of RIGHT TO LIFE (14th Amendment) and the like.... PROOF?? How about GINSBURG ADMITTING THAT TRUTH (MUST SEE: (which includes like to Ginsburg speech on #RVW "LIMITED SCOPE RULING"))!
Same here with #OBAMAOCARE again... LIMITED FOCUS, LIMITED HEARING, LIMITED RULING... NOT determined it's overall #CONSTITUTION soundness.... EXAMPLE? Simple, it is NOT like #AUTO #INSURANCE that you must by AS A CONDITION TO DRIVE A VEHICLE. You do NOT have to Drive a #Car... You can Walk, Bicycle, take #PublicTransportation!!
MUST SEE related: http://
as well as related Articles on #ObamaCare #LIES @ the time (it was designed to be #EpicFail, all a step-stone 4 #mediCAIDforall (#Dependency & #Control))
Though, to be fair, it is important to point out... the chance of #ObamaCare being deemed #UnConstitutional now that the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE (that Roberts twisted and contorted and portrayed as a TAX (despite the Obama Admin and even the Lawyers arguing the Case before #SCOTUS demanded WAS NOT A #TAX)) in order to "FUDGE" the Statutes to not STRIKE DOWN as it should have the first appeal to that body, has been removed (by subsequent changes to the Law by #Republicans (foolishly, as that was the mechanism by which it SHOULD (and would had Roberts not decided to act Politically rather than LEGALLY / #CONSTITUTIONALLY) to toss the Law) during the 1st two years of the #Trump Administration while #GOP controlled both #USHouse and #USSenate!
It is now basically a PUBLIC OPTION PLAN that #FASCICRATS (like in NAZI Germany took over Health Care, as with other #Communist or #FASCIST States, and so much more of Society as a CONTROL MECHANISM (see related: have been claiming they've wanted all along (LIES, of course, they want elimination of all #Private (#FreeMarket) Plans and institute a full #Government CONTROLLED Health Care #mediCAIDforall market (complete with more DEATH PANELS determining who does or does not get care based on whether they see, in their warped minds, VALUE in your continued living as A SLAVE TO THE STATE))! Government Run ("#SocializedMedicine") HC "ALWAYS" results in RATIONING! ALWAYS! ObaMAOcare was always a stepping stone to mediCAIDforall, and there are plenty of Videos of them in their own Words saying so, and now that it is a #EPICFAIL (which it was designed to be from the get out) so-as to decry the need to GO FURTHER (again, stepping stone)!