KY Teacher Pension Fund PUTIN investments...
What does this have to do with #Michigan? #democratLIESmatter regardless of who they are about. They will be DESPERATE to try and re-elect #Nessel, #Benson, and #Whitler, and any sort of SMEARS they can MAKE OUT OF THIN AIR will be levied against our #Candidates too!
Look I most certainly have my issues with (Turtle) #MitchMcConnell and even some with #RandPaul.
However, the Lefts latest garbage on #Twitter is just HILARIOUS #PsychologicalProjection....
#DUMBocrats crying all over #Twitter trying to blame #McConnell and #Paul... HILARIOUS....
And WHO (hint: #FASCICRATS*) controls the #TeachersUnions????
nice try #EPICFAIL!
* irrefutable #FACTS

Donations by #UNIONS to #DUMBocrats
#KochBrothers (the Left loves to demonize, while ignoring the #FASCICRATS Billionaires endlessly funneling monies to Lefty-loon causes (like #WarrenBuffet, #Zuckerburg, the #Steyers, #Bloomberg, #SOROS, more)) meager (by comparison, #Kock) donations to Patriot groups...

The Left is #DESPERATE again to throw every LIE they can come up with to try and get anything to stick as a #deflection from the #FACTS that while #Biden shutdown #KeystoneXL (and worse, closed/shutdown #Oil production on lands that made #USA #Energy independent), green-lit the #Nordstream2, and now want to BUY OIL FROM #IRAN. They not only are FUNDING #PUTIN / #RUSSIA invasion of #Ukraine (as they refuse to shut off the #Russian #Oil flow to #USA), they now want to re-fund #IRAN #TERRORISM and #NUKE program again (IF we shutoff Russia, buy it from Iran).
more on that: