Never-mind that Cackling-Kamala was just in Michigan to stump for FASCICRATS, did you see the blockades for the motorcade (as if anyone really cared she was here except the organizers of her FASCICRATS stumping Event), anyway... point being... someone far more powerful (and still with a high-approval-rating greater than #KamalaHarris and #JoeBiDUMB combined among DUMBocrats) was here recently (and, again, more importantly) too...
did you know: Anti-American Icon JANE FONDA was in Michigan stumping for FASCICRATS...
That's right America-Hater (#HanoiJane) Fonda was stumping for other fellow Western Culture Haters in #Michigan, but they didn't want it covered by the Media for you to see it... TELL THE WORLD...
Jane was here to stump for #FASCICRATS, including for my Friend EMILY BAUMAN's opponent Dayna.

[NOTICE TOO: in the background BERNSTEIN and BOLDEN for MI Supreme Court --- HELL NO!!! You must Elect BRIAN ZAHRA and PAUL HUDSON to return our Courts to CONSTITUTIONAL LAW RULE not Liberal Activism, more on that down-thread] Defeat the DANA TWINS... Support Emily Bauman (and others) for MI-Senate go to: Please too help defeat Nasty Nessel... go to: ALSO, something VERY UNIQUE this Election cycle, due to LOCKDOWNS Parents FINALLY saw what we were telling them for years due to ZoomSchool that they are peddling Radicalism, Raunch (SEL), and Racism (CRT), over the formerly known "core R's" of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, and sRience (see what I did there? since are test-scores are so low many Kids don't know how to properly spell Science let-alone have studied any). WHICH GIVES US the very unique, once-in-a-lifetime chance for UP-BALLOT Coat-tails (which is normally always only top-down) by supporting TAMARA CARLONE for State Board Of Education. go to: Yes, as Carville said: IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID! Which with #BIDENflation, that issue is on our side, however OUR SECRET WEAPON this cycle is PISSED OFF PARENTS and the state of Education!!! #MICHIGAN #VoteRedToSaveMichigan #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
#VoteStraightRepublican (but do NOT forget non-partisan sections of your #Ballot and NO, HELL NO, and YOU GOTTA BE F****** KIDDING ME F*** NO, on Props 1, 2, 3.

If you are in #MICHIGAN, or no anyone in MI have them, please listen to ART (WAAM) from Sat 10/22 that I was on the first half talking about why MUST VOTE NO ON ALL 3 BALLOT INITIATIVES (#3 gets all the oxygen it seems, but 1 and 2 also bad):
listen at:

AND SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, THIS WITH OTHERS! We are not asking you to even pick up a phone and spend hours making phone-calls, JUST CLICK SHARE to copy the link, paste it into #SocialMedia and especially #Email to then Share with #Friends. Or even easier - use the SHAREANY icons in the footer of this page (warning: be sure all pop-up or other page content blockers are OFF or it may not appear in the lower-right corner of the very bottom of this (or any page) within our system (will just be dark-grey area next to "created with" notice in page footer). Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit) author: Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you! ( [don't let title fool you, it is an AMERICA FIRST and PRO LIFE book] 12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member W12 Newsletter Editor MICD12GOP Webmaster Taylor (MI) Republicans Club Webmaster Wyandotte, MI 48192