The Debate the Left doesn't want you to see, as the NEW MICD13* is in play for the GOP... * which encompasses parts of current MICD12... #Michigan: MUST SEE non-Televised #Debate between #MartellBivings and #Shri for the newly drawn MICD13 (Wayne County area mostly):¬if_t=comment_mention&ref=notif NOT on FascistBook? I don't blame you. See the Debate on #YouTube: Vote for Martell, he's Swell. 🙂 To avoid misgivings, Vote Bivings! Martell dealt in SPECIFICS, Shri dealt in slogans and empty tired talking points deflections and attempts to pander. We need REAL SOLUTIONS that Bivings offers, not another wanna-be career Politician blather (Shri has run for how many Offices already, now that he's in the State Govt, he wants just another higher dollars Govt paycheck to serve himself not you (and to have that access to INSIDER TRADING to enrich himself like the Pelosi's and so many others have)). Martell's JORDAN analogy WAS PERFECT! And Shri continued his left/right, dems/reps, divide-and-conquer tactics, as he sees the District (on paper) slanted in FASCICRATS favor, over THE ISSUES and solutions that Bivings promises. Indeed, Shri was a great businessman, when he stuck to FREE MARKET delivering things people wanted and employed lots of people, now he's only worried about HIS GOVT EMPLOYMENT over employees and customers wants, desires, needs. What Shri did for Education, was LINE THE POCKETS OF THOSE FAILING YOUR KIDS. Throwing more money at a "problem" and pretending that does anything is always the Left's answer, rather than dealing with the need to FIX THE BROKEN EDUCATION SYSTEM (it's NOT a money problem). something VERY UNIQUE this Election cycle, due to LOCKDOWNS Parents FINALLY saw what we were telling them for years due to ZoomSchool that they are peddling Radicalism, Raunch (SEL), and Racism (CRT), over the formerly known "core R's" of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, and sRience (see what I did there? since are test-scores are so low many Kids don't know how to properly spell Science let-alone have studied any). WHICH GIVES US the very unique, once-in-a-lifetime chance for UP-BALLOT Coat-tails (which is normally always only top-down) by supporting TAMARA CARLONE for State Board Of Education as well as needing to help fund Martell Bivings' Campaign (cuz Shri is getting plenty of out-of-state money support).... go to: Yes, as Carville said: IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID! Which with #BIDENflation, that issue is on our side, however OUR SECRET WEAPON this cycle is PISSED OFF PARENTS and the state of Education!!! Shri's answer every time despite the question/issue... More Taxing and MORE Spending (to Bankrupt us (look up CLOWARD AND PIVEN))... NEVER any actual real Solutions to deal with the CORE ROOT CAUSES.
Martell is Running in the NEW 13th, and yes I'm part of the NEW 13th, but I'm currently part of the CURRENT MICD12GOP Leaders and it's Webmaster. Hope you'll check out Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit) Author: Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you! ( [don't let title fool you, it is an AMERICA FIRST and PRO LIFE book] 12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member W12 Newsletter Editor MICD12GOP Webmaster Taylor (MI) Republicans Club Webmaster resident: Wyandotte, MI 48192 (Delegate Wya-06) If you are in #MICHIGAN, or no anyone in MI have them, please listen to ART (WAAM) from Sat 10/22 that I was on the first half talking about why MUST VOTE NO ON ALL 3 BALLOT INITIATIVES (#3 gets all the oxygen it seems, but 1 and 2 also bad):
listen at: