Conservatives.... TEAParty activists.... When/Where are you willing to Stand and Fight?
{originally posted/published} Thursday, August 9, 2018 0:59 {} Please NOTE, I'm NOT aiming these comments at anyone here-in, just saying in general or in regard to any particular subject matter (though I'm sure some know the impetus of this who have heard my frustration with some OTHER DISTRICTS... Anyone else as frustrated as I am to see/hear… Some folks that are jumping up and down screaming they will Fight to the Death for Conservatism on Tuesday, that quickly and completely sell out on Wednesday…. That’s OK, I’ll be the “Bad Guy” and the one that says what many Think but aren’t comfortable enough to honestly say aloud.
Yes, I know, I’ve been told many times I should be more “diplomatic” but I have to look myself in the mirror and demand honesty of myself, and of others, foolishly thinking I could/might get that honesty! Are you not yet fed-up with the “compromising” being always a one-way street and that you (Conservatives) are always expected to be the ones on the compromising end/side (to the GOP Establisment Democrat-lite CINOs)?
Let me say in advance: Sorry, to some that may take offense thinking I’m referring to them when I am not. I am very Proud to have fought, and to Fight, along side you! Unfortunately, the ones who it really is about won’t bother to give it/this a second thought – they are comfortable waffling in the breeze on a day to day basis surrendering their supposed Principles!
You know the folks… The one’s who say – this is not the Hill to Fight on… But, you know/notice, for many there never comes a Hill that they ever feel worthy of standing ground and Fighting on! There is a big distinction from being willing to, time to time, be reasonable, and compromise, and that of those always waiving the Flag of Surrender. It’s always “next time for sure” but every next time is another excuse! It’s always, we just don’t have the numbers, but how do you ever expect anyone to come and reinforce your ranks and Fight along side you when they see you will most assuredly just Surrender again. It’s always things could be different if more would Fight, but their example is to never really Fight themselves (hardly encouraging and inviting for others they demand must join the Fight to actually join the Fight)!
I joined the #GOP in 1979, as a Reagan Conservative, cuz I believe in the things our Party Platform claims we stand for, not to ever be a Tax/Spend, Liberal, Socialist, Democrat-lite, RINO/CINO, that the majority in our Party actually represent! #IWillNeverSellOutNoMatterHowOftenTheyDemandMeTo
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