OAK Conference, September 11th 2021, Jackson Michigan
AUDIO (mp3): https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcfb9wm8flussff/OAKconference-Federalism-JosephLenard.MP3?dl=0 (cross-referenced from: https://www.12cdrc.org/gop-values-speeches)
[Pardon, this is again going to be one of my more "off" or bit "bizarre" posts (as I've been known to do on occassion of a few less-than-traditional, shall we say, type pieces). This is really a collection of my NOTES that I've made for a speech I'm to give at the (2nd ever) OAK CONFERENCE (details from their email: On September 11th the Coalition of Republican Counties will host the second Oak Conference. We will start at the Birthplace of the Republican Party Historical Marker at 12 noon, visit and talk informally with maybe a few impromptu historical comments, and then go to Ella Sharp Park to engage in a discussion on the issues of our time. (see some additional items on the Conference in case you are available to swing by on Sat Sept. 11, 2021 at the bottom of this article)) that a Friend invited me to be one of the Speakers. I agreed to speak, if I could speak on our Founders, The Federalist Papers, as at a prior GOP DELEGATES TRAINING event the question of WHAT IS FEDERALISM and WHO WERE THE FEDERALISTS came up and after an awkward period of Silence, of no-one feeling comfortable to have precisely studied the topic to a point of being comfortable to speak on/to, I stepped up (though I was part of the hosting group, I was not a presenter, and so really a part of the audience) and said I'LL FIELD THAT QUESTION. I say that/this, because it indicates to me that many others new to Politics, thankfully many new people are getting off their couches to get involved and TAKE BACK THE GOP FROM THE RINOs (see related items: http://tinyurl.com/AmIARINO (don't let that Title throw you, it will make sense once you read it) and http://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives) and have questions like that. I hope to come back later, post-speech, and hopefully will have an AUDIO RECORDING that I can then add to this Article for you to listen to what becomes the FULL SPEECH as delivered, as some of the NOTES are meant as place-holders to allow me to follow a bit down sub-topic rabbit-hole(s). If you are reading this before Sat Sept 11, 2021, feel free to leave me your comments, suggestions, thoughts, ahead of my speech as to how I might improve it or address additional related items you feel I shouild also address as part of this, though has to be within reason I was NOT given a speaking time-limit, but I am NOT going to want to drone on-and-on for too long.]
[Aug 30 2021 update: see very bottom of Article (above B4IN Ads/Comment section) for Associated EMBEDED RUMBLE VIDEO (recorded Mon Aug 30 2021) or see via my save DROPBOX location (where I know they cannot Censor it at/from): https://www.dropbox.com/s/j52zwznp9qn48ph/TodaysFederalismVsOriginalIntentFederalists.mp4?dl=0 now before reading NOTES below that provide more details, expound upon the 9m Video setup to/for this Article)
ASSOCIATED (DROPBOX SAVE/SHARE LOCATION) AUDIO SPEECH (recorded Sat Sep 11 2021): https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcfb9wm8flussff/OAKconference-Federalism-JosephLenard.MP3?dl=0
Information regarding the FULL OAK CONFERENCE itself, date, time, location, etc, of the FREE TO ATTEND EVENT also down-thread]
FEDERALISTS and THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, often misunderstood, most of whom we call FEDERALISTS today were (and the title itself somewhat) antithetical to what has been happening today being an ever-growing and expanding Fed Govt. The folks like Pelosi, Biden, The Squad, who we would call STATISTS (another antithetical term, cuz it stands for MASSIVE UNCONSTRAINED FEDERAL AUTHORITY FEDERALISTS) of today bare NO RESEMBLANCE to the Federalists of Hamilton, Madison, the 2 most notable Federalists of yesteryear and that would be considered more ANTIFEDERALISTS by todays understanding of the Political Spectrum as it has moved Leftward (the Overton Window, if you know Glenn Beck, you’ll be familiar with that term and if you are not you will want to research that) and todays understanding, or lack-there-of, terminology, that has escalated since the Industrial Revolution (which, in and of itself, had no REAL BEARING on how or why things should change, but coincidentally does coincide with the modern shifts in thinking and especially given notable for massive leaps Leftward in Spectrum toward Socialism of FDR and JOHNSON’s “Great Society” pushes).
We are a Republic, under a Limited Fed. Govt. declarative Constitution (ratified Sep 17 1787, began operations / Mar 4 1789) but there was a debate over having a King but our Religious Founders cry of NO KING BUT JESUS won out.
What is Federalism (aka: A high-level, top-down, governing system, but American Federalists argued for CONSTRAINTS and BOUNDARIES of such). Most notable Federalists were: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, all of which argued for CONSTRAINTS which again seems antithetical to their title of Federalists.
The Anti-Federalists had several complaints with the Constitution. One of their biggest was that the Constitution did not provide for a Bill of Rights protecting the people (which, were then as compromise, the 1st 10 amendments were added). They also thought the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government and too little to individual states. Most notable AntiFederalists were: Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, George Mason, James Monroe.

Most people know about the Federalist Papers (Fed’s ultimately endorsed Const, Anti’s opted to defend keeping the Articles of Confederation)
The AntiFed’s later insisted on the adding of the 10th Amend. due to concerns of a potentially expanding Fed. Govt. already in 1791.
What was wrought (the compromise), was/is our Representative Republican form of Govt
Remember Franklin’s famous quote: “A Republic, if you can keep it” as he saw even way back then many were pushing toward CONSOLIDATE POWERS and EXPANSION OF FEDERAL GOVT AUTHORITY / AUTHORATARIANISM and would likely continue to be the trend, but was hopeful the CONSTITUTION AND AMENDMENTS COMPROMISE would hold as long as possible.
Must note: The STATES formed and VOLUNTARILY joined the UNION OF STATES under the LIMITED FEDERAL GOVT which they created under the Constitution. I am NOT going to into the Civil War States’ succession, which was valid under our Foundation as States joined freely and therefore had RIGHT to voluntarily leave the Union, but when the Confederate States fearing Northern Invaders, they claim, struck the Northern States, made the discussion of STATES RIGHTS in that case and sense, moot; and why many today focus on the STATES RIGHTS aspect of the Succession of those States NOT SLAVERY (whole other topic and long discussion).
Some fought for having our own King, Washington (Term Limits) If you research the Founders’ writings, that while we often refer to FEDERALIST PAPERS it is important to get a Book that also contains the AntiFederalist Papers included there-in. Little did they know, that latter day, our modern day, Federalists would trend further and further Left toward an all powerful and all encompassing Federal Govt, and top-down, over-bearing, dictates ignoring Constitutional constraints and specifically the 10A. Twisting terms like the Commerce clause and especially the “WELFARE” clause in our Founding Documents. (Promote the GENERAL WELFARE = Capitalism, Freedoms, Rights, Life, Liberty, pursuit of Happiness). Indv. Welfare = Christian Charity duty, not improperly twisting RENDER UNDER CAESAR into REDISTRIBUTIONIST GOVT. [again, these are mostly/mainly NOTES not full/complete thoughts, PLEASE RESEARCH THE MAIN TOPIC AND EACH AND EVERY SUB-TOPIC YOURSELF (DuckDuckGo and GIBIRU are your Friends in finding FACTS/TRUTH not GOOGLE which manipulates results to present LeftWingSPIN (Opinion pieces) in top results instead of factual based pieces.] ------------------------------------------------------------------- FEDERALISTS - BY MITZI RAMOS
[article was originally published in 2009 in The First Amendment Encyclopedia. Mitzi Ramos is an Instructor of Political Science at Northeastern Illinois University.]
The name Federalists was adopted both by the supporters of ratification of the U.S. Constitution and by members of one of the nation’s first two political parties. Alexander Hamilton was an influential Federalist who wrote many of the essays in The Federalist, published in 1788. These articles advocated the ratification of the Constitution. Later, those who supported Hamilton’s aggressive fiscal policies formed the Federalist Party, which grew to support a strong national government, an expansive interpretation of congressional powers under the Constitution through the elastic clause, and a more mercantile economy
The name Federalists was adopted both by the supporters of ratification of the U.S. Constitution and by members of one of the nation’s first two political parties......
< snip... end FAIR USE copy... Please see the FULL ARTICLE of her's at: https://mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1184/federalists and to also see related images contained there-in > Also see WAAM Radio Host Phil Stargell (Abolitionists RoundTable, Sat's 9a) Article in the Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter v2021-6 Edition about ENUMERATED POWERS (http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-6 [page 6]).

Constitution: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript Federalist Papers: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/fed.asp GET INVOLVED: https://www.12cdrc.org/calendar GET OFF YOUR COUCH (if you wait to just Vote in the Elections, IT IS TOO LATE, choices and actions must be taken long before that). YOU MUST BE INVOLVED (AUDIO):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3?dl=0 (snippet from @WAAM1600 #Michigan #ART Show, full show: https://anchor.fm/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-8-14-2021-e15tnr3)... https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
(related: http://tinyurl.com/AmIARINO and http://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives)
On September 11th the Coalition of Republican Counties will host the second Oak Conference. We will start at the Birthplace of the Republican Party Historical Marker at 12 noon, visit and talk informally with maybe a few impromptu historical comments, and then go to Ella Sharp Park to engage in a discussion on the issues of our time.
12:00 PM - Meet at the GOP Under the Oaks Historical Marker https://www.jacksonmich.com/markers/mark1.htm
See Historical Marker Map Location at the Following Link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Under+the+Oaks+Park/@42.2438902,-84.4162551,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6724098b17c45fa7!8m2!3d42.2438902!4d-84.4162551
01:00 PM - Drive to and enjoy Ella Sharp Park Pavilion and hear informal presentations from those who would like to say a few words about the Republican Party.
Link for direction to the pavilion:
Parking is available at the Rotunda Pavilion or at the museum down the hill and across the street.
Please bring a lawn chair with you for seating at the Park Pavilion.
03:00 PM - Late lunch on the outdoor patio at the Grand River Brewery, 117 W. Louis Glick Hwy. (517) 962-2427
See Grand River Brewery Map Location at the Following Link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Grand+River+Brewery+-+Jackson/@42.2492364,-84.4075362,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x10fa877284069084!8m2!3d42.2492364!4d-84.4075362
ASSOCIATED VIDEO (as promised above):
TodaysFederalismVsOriginalIntentFederalists... This brief 9m vlog examines TODAYS FEDERALISM (over-reach) vs ORIGINAL INTENT OF OUR FOUNDERS (especially those that considered themselves FEDERALISTS and who wrote THE FEDERALIST PAPERS)! Associated Video links (in case original embed source BANS/CENSORS/REMOVES it)... YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZHQBkA5wPVE Rumble: https://rumble.com/vlur92-todays-federalism-vs-original-intent-federalists-jlenarddetroit.html Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/594444722 Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos/ee4dfe7c-3b9c-4af7-b879-b25e1e22f2ab DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j52zwznp9qn48ph/TodaysFederalismVsOriginalIntentFederalists.mp4?dl=0
#Federalists #AntiFederalists #Federalism #Constitution #ArticlesOfConfederecy #FederalistPapers #10thAmendment #17thAmendment #TermLimits #President #King #Washington #Jefferson #Madison #Adams #Hamilton #Mason #Monroe #FoundingFathers #OAKconference #Republic #ConstitutionalRepublic #RepresentativeRepublic